Vertec version 6.7

Release notes Vertec 6.7

Product line




Operating mode

Cloud Suite




Services & CRM

Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 25.09.2023
Machine translated
Updated: 07.12.2024 | Version

Highlights of the main release

  • Internal document storage
  • Outlook App – Redesign & feature extension
  • Outlook App Email Templates
  • OpenID Connect Integration
  • VAT rates with date

See also the Blog Articles.

Release Notes

Detailed information can be found in the release notes for the main release:

Download latest version (On-Premises)

If you use Vertec as part of your Cloud Suite, the latest version will automatically be uploaded to you on a regular basis. If you would like to be notified in advance, you can register for it on our Status Page by clicking on “Subscribe to Updates” at the top.

If you operate Vertec On-Premises, you can get the setup of the latest Vertec version 6.7 with the following download link:

For more information on installing and updating Vertec, see:

List of releases

From one major version to the next, various intermediate versions appear, which implement features and fix bugs in a timely manner.

The setup in the download above always includes the latest Vertec version available.

version description Date


  • New OCL operators for querying properties: To eliminate the need to search for system settings with a string comparison, there are new OCL operators of the type propertyBool('PropName’). Instead booleanproperty->select(propertyName='AutoSaveSessionSettings')->first becomes new so propertyBool('AutoSaveSessionSettings') They have already been implemented in preparation for Vertec 6.8 to enable language-independent querying of system settings. For more information, see Properties via ocl.
  • Deactivated by default “Show all” in new SQL folders: Previously, when creating a new Sql folder, the option was Alle anzeigen by default. This is no longer the case from this version, Alle anzeigen is now disabled by default.
  • Allow XML files as vouching documents for payable accounts: In addition to image and PDF files, XML files (utf-8 encoded) can now be uploaded as vouching documents on payable accounts. If an XML file is saved on the creditor, the vouching document page is hidden and two buttons are shown instead, with which the XML file can be downloaded or removed. The XML values are not read out, so this is not about reading in e-invoices, but about being able to save the XML files as an attachment. Detailed information can be found in the article Post Post accounts payable.

Bug fixes

  • SelectLine Login call reintroduced: As part of the conversion of the SelectLine extensions to Com forwarding, the Login removed. In customer installations, however, it is still needed in part, so it has been reinstalled with this version: If a user name and password for SelectLine are specified in the system settings, the Login method of the extension called, otherwise not.
  • Cloud capability of overwritten BMD extensions: An error could occur with customized Bmd extensions due to lack of access authorization to the module codecs with Restricted Scripting. The BMD extension has been adjusted so that this cannot happen even with overwritten extensions.


  • New Python Methods on Activities: Using the New Python Methods activity.setdocumentcontent() and activity.setemailcontent() documents and emails on activities can be saved internally. For detailed information, see the article about the Python features.
  • selectedobjects is available in the Script Editor: From this version selectedobjects also available in the Script Editor, so that from version registered scripts can be tested and edited more easily.
  • OCL operator for type comparison in type list attributes: Attributes of type TypeList – i.e. the “classes” attributes on folders, scripts, reports, etc. – contain a list of classes. To find out if a particular class is included in it, it was only possible to use string comparison. Now there is the operator containsType. For more information, see the OCL article.
  • Entry of services: Revision of rounding of standard weekly hours: The display of standard weekly hours has led to confusion in certain part-time cases. This display has now been improved.
  • Delete function for internal document storage: If a document is stored on an activity, it can be stored in the Document field via x deleted.
  • Change in the header of invoice reports: Up to now, the email address of the project user was shown in the header of the reports for invoices. Starting with this version, the email address of the company is shown instead.

Bug fixes

  • Outlook app fixed issue with quotation marks: E-mail addresses containing quotation marks could not be detected in the Outlook app and resulted in an error message. This has been fixed with this version.
  • Fixed an error when creating reports with expense charts: ZUGFeRD data could lead to an error when creating an invoice report with expense charts in PDF format. This has been fixed with this version.
  • Fixed issue with event scripts in scheduled tasks: Extended duration event scripts that are started via scheduled tasks could be executed incompletely. This was caused by the cloud server terminating the session process before the event script could be fully executed. Fixed issue.
  • Fixed error when changing the user group: Adding or removing a user group assignment could result in an error message    Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt lead. The problem has been fixed.
  • Not displaying emails with duplicate images: Displaying emails with duplicate images could lead to error messages in the activities on the Email page. This has been fixed in this version.
  • Fixed French translations: Fixed two French translations in the system settings.
  • Fixed error with very long search terms: An error could occur with very long search terms in SQL and Expression folders. The search terms are truncated after 1000 symbols from this version, which fixes the problem.
  • Fixed bug with Python feature entrytypeslookup() When executing the feature entrytypeslookup() an error message appeared on projects. The problem was fixed with this version.
  • More tolerant document detection when importing PDF receipts: Importing PDF receipts to accounts payable in some cases resulted in an error message. Starting with this version, detection has been enhanced and the error message has been corrected.
  • No more unnecessary subscriber error messages in the session log: The messages of the type Could not convert a subscriber of type 'Vertec.VertecLib.Derivers.LegacySubscriberToSubscriberAdapter' to a boldSubscriber no longer show up in the session log if it concerns subscribers who are no longer “alive,” i.e. are being cleaned up or are no longer shown at all.
  • msvcrt module can be called again (on-premises): When importing the msvcrt module, since version the error message appeared even when restrictions (on-premises) are disabled no module named msvcrt. This problem has been fixed.


  • Automatic expense receipt recognition: From this version, the automatic receipt recognition for expenses is available to all customers with a licensed external expenses module, both in the full-featured apps and in the phone app (with the latest app version). For this, the latest TERMS AND CONDITIONS and conditions as well as the regulation for order data processing must be accepted. The detailed description can be found in the articles Expense recording and Phone app: Operation and use.

    The public beta expense receipt recognition trial version will be turned off as announced at the end of October.

  • Security: To further protect the Python environment with Restrict Scripting enabled, it is now possible to allow only Python accesses to Public IP addresses. For this there is a new parameter Restrict Local IP in the Vertec.ini file. If this is set to True, access to local IP addresses is prevented when Restrict Scripting is enabled. By default, it is initialized to False (no change to the previous behavior).

The new version of the Phone app will be available for download on Google Play and the App Store in the next few days.


Bug fixes

  • Avoid Python error “error return without exception set”: The sporadic Python error messages of the type “error return without exception set” are fixed by this fix and should no longer occur.
  • WARN Logs with “Could not convert subscriber” are no longer logged in every case: The message was also logged when a null subscriber was set. But this happens frequently and is safe. Now this warning is only logged when a subscriber is set.


  • Execute scripts by right-clicking on selected objects: Scripts can now also be executed for selected objects in a list. For this purpose, the registration and handling of scripts as menu items have been changed a lot. argobject will be used in these scripts selectedobjects. Already registered scripts work as before. For a detailed description of the changes, see Register scripts.
  • Name ColumnDefinition in VatComboBox: In order for the first column of the Vatcombobox to be directly addressed or overwritten in Page Customizing, it is given the name from this version VatValue.
  • Additional log entries when accessing lists in Python: For analyzing the error message error return without exception set the Python messages are logged from this version.
  • Support for OpenObserve as a log server: From this version, log messages can be sent to OpenObserve instead of Loggly (default in the cloud suite). To do this, the corresponding Parameters in the vertec.ini file must be set Logging (on-premises). For more information, see Logging.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed problems when starting the Cloud Clients: Due to a full Temp folder, the Vertec Cloud Clients could not be started on large Vertec on-premises installations. The temporary file for the logging setup is now deleted immediately after the logging configuration, which fixes the problem. See also: Up-to- Up-To-Date Support Cases.
  • Representation Copyright in Setup corrected: In the properties dialog of the .exe-Files of the Vertec setup under Details the representation of the copyright (@ Vertec AG) corrected.
  • Fixed payment reconciliation error: When importing payments with the Infoniqa 50 as well as the SelectLine extension and COM forwarding there was an error due to the date format. This has been fixed with this version.


  • In/Out button can be hidden: From this version, the In/Out button can be hidden under System settings > Project with the option Show Show comes/goes for attendance tracking. The default setting is True.
  • Contacts as a payer for Swiss QR codes: If a contact is defined as a payer, only the company and no longer person & company are shown under Payable by on the payment slip from this version onward.
  • Skype extension removed: Skype officially no longer exists. For new databases, therefore, no Skype extension will be created and for existing databases, the Skype extension will be removed.
  • On-Premises: Firebird Editor Pro replaces IBQ: The Firebird Editor IBQ that we have supplied so far is no longer being developed. Therefore, the Vertec Setup installs Firebird Editor Pro from this version onward. For more information, see the KB article Firebird.

Bug fixes

  • Datepicker in the web app shows correct English date format: Date values were sometimes shown in the web app in American-English format (MM/DD/YYYY) instead of British-English format (DD/MM/YYYY) when the browser language was set to “en-gb”. This has been fixed with this version.
  • Fixed a bug with Topal payment import: When importing payments with the Topal extension and COM forwarding an error “argument must be a string, not datetime.datetime” occurred because of the date format. This has been fixed with this version.
  • Settings in the Vertec Outlook app Windows Edition: The settings dialog in the Vertec Outlook app Windows Edition could no longer be opened. This has been fixed with this version.
  • Logging optimizations:
    • Log entries are no longer created if no management port is entered or if it is set to = 0.
    • By changing the log level from Info to Debug in the BaseSessionContext, unnecessary session logs are no longer created.


  • Business intelligence enhancements:
    • Support for expression and SQL folders in BI Display: In addition to “normal folders,” from this version also expression and SQL folders can be selected as a Grouping or when Folder Comparison.
    • BI dimensions for abstract class: BI dimensions were previously only shown if they were registered on specific classes. Abstract base classes, such as Adresseintrag, were ignored in the display. With this version, this limitation has been fixed.
    • Extended period for automatic BI recalculation: For BI measures, which calculate forecasts for the future (see, for example, the additional features BI revenue forecast from resource planning and BI revenue forecast from phase budgets), the period for automatic calculation of BI measures has been extended. Until now, the values from January of the year before last were calculated until the end of the current month. From this version, they will be calculated until the end of the next year. For
      more information, see the article BI generators.
  • Coming/leaving button in the attendance time list: From this version onward, the attendance time list receives a coming/leaving button during the service entry, with which the current times can be entered in the From/To fields. All information on this can be found in the article Services, Overall View.

Bug fixes

  • Improved QR code analysis of creditor documents: When analyzing documents for Swiss or EPC QR codes, certain other QR codes could cause an error. This affected, among other things, the QR codes of SBB. The error has been corrected.
  • Bug fix in accounting interfaces: The error message due to an authorization problem when entering new accounts receivable addresses has been fixed.


  • Bexio Web accounts receivable extension: The Vertec Bexio extension is now available. All information can be found in the article Bexio Web Receivable Interface.
  • SelectLine extensions cloud-ready: The Vertec SelectLine extensions receivables, accounts payable and order have been adapted to Com forwarding and are now also available in the cloud app (and thus in the cloud suite).
  • Infoniqa ONE 200 extensions cloud-ready: The Vertec Infoniqa ONE 200 extensions receivables and accounts payable have been adapted to Com forwarding and are now also available in the cloud app (and thus in the cloud subscription suite).
  • Firebird 5: Vertec is shipped with Firebird 5 from this version. This includes some performance improvements suggested by us. These come into play as soon as the existing Vertec database has been upgraded to this version (backup / restore). The setup does this automatically with the default database. If several Vertec instances are running, a Backup / restore with gbak can be performed manually with gbak to achieve the performance gain for these instances as well.

Bug fixes

  • Infoniqa ONE 200 extension avoids warning message with several possible tax rates: If several possible percentages are defined in Infoniqa ONE 200 for a VAT code, the warning message will no longer appear, but the extension has been adapted so that the correct rate is applied.
  • Outlook App Removing all email addresses from “To” without error: Fixed an error message when removing all email addresses from the “To” field.
  • Loggly provides licensee as tag despite umlauts: If a licensee contains name umlauts, it has not been provided as tag in Loggly until now, because Loggly cannot handle umlauts. Now, umlauts are converted to an underscore (_) and can be provided as such.
  • Weird error messages in Python: There have been a couple of error messages in Python recently pointing to incorrect memory handling. We were able to narrow this down and improve it in some respects. However, note the Important note about the set_value() method of custom renderers.
  • Default sorting of list with Custom Renderer correct even on first call: There could be a problem that lists containing a Custom Renderer did not respect the default sorting on first call. This has been fixed with this version.
  • Object without designation can be deleted: Certain objects could not be deleted as long as they did not have a designation. This has been fixed with this version.


  • Additions to Python Stub Files: The Stub Files vtcplanning, vtcplanningcore, vtcextensions and reporting have been updated. They are located in the subdirectory PythonStubs for on-premises installations or can be downloaded from the Knowledge Base article Python Stub Files for builtin modules.
  • Alternative loading mechanism for history in the Outlook app: If there are very, very many activities at one address, the Outlook app may not perform well, since all linked activities are always loaded for a meaningful presentation of the history. The new CRM > Ignore history from x days (Outlook app) system setting now allows you to limit the quantity of days of the history loaded. This leads to a better loading performance, but changes the behavior in some respects. The exact details are described in the article Outlook app: operation and use.
  • Phone app Adjustments for expenses: On the detail view of expenses in the Phone app, the VAT type is now shown and can also be changed. In the expense list, on the selected day, both the expenses with the date of the corresponding day (as before) and the expenses that were created on that day (as before) are shown. creationDateTime).

Bug fixes

  • vtcapp.getwithsql() without SQL right brings a useful error message: If vtcapp.getwithsql() is executed with insufficient user rights, a corresponding message now always appears, no more SystemError: error return without exception set, as has sometimes been the case up to now.
  • Logging via Loggly no longer causes memory leak: When logging via Loggly service, there could be an issue where memory consumption increased dramatically or Vertec clients even temporarily lost connection to the cloud server if a faulty OCL expression or a non-existent renderer was entered in the Vertec list settings. This issue has been fixed and no longer occurs.
  • Task Scheduler restarts on error: If the cloud control is not available when starting from the cloud server to delegate the sessions to a session runner, the Task Scheduler runs into an error. This previously led to the termination of the task. Starting with this version, the Task Scheduler is then restarted.

The new version of the Phone app will be available for download on Google Play and the App Store in the next few days.



  • COM Forwarding: With COM Forwarding we are introducing a proxy system with which COM objects of the third-party system can also be accessed from the cloud app. This makes it possible to make Vertec COM-based extensions available in the cloud app. For more information see COM Forwarding.

    The following extensions have already been converted and are included with this version:

    • Infoniqua ONE 50 (accounts receivable and payable)
    • Topal (accounts receivable and payable)

    These are therefore also available in the cloud app (and thus in the cloud subscription suite) from the use of this version.

  • Use of delivery lines only optional: For performance reasons, delivery lines are only available if the system setting Project > Use Delivery Lines true is. By default, this system setting is set to false initialized and also for existing customers on false if there are no exposure positions in the system.
  • Before-/after-import scripts for config sets: There is now the possibility to execute python code before and after the import of a config set. For example, you can clean up old data before the import of a config set or initialize values after the import, etc. There is a new node for this update with the following subnodes:

    • before-import for Python code to be executed before importing the config set
    • after-import for Python code to be executed after importing the config set.

    Both nodes contain plain python code. Information about this can be found in the KB article Config Set XML.

  • Support of custom links in config sets: From now on, custom link instances can also be transported via config set. The prerequisite is that both linked objects and the custom link type are present in the config set or are already present on the target system with the correct entry Id. Information about this can be found in the KB article Config sets.
  • PDF Report Output is no longer “in user” mode: When executing reports with internal document storage, the resulting document is shown and is in “in user” mode. The button on the activity then says “Exit user”. This is usually not desired for PDFs, which is why from this version PDFs are only shown normally, but are no longer “in user” mode. See also annotation Create activity in the article Register reports.
  • Simpler use of vtcapp.disableevents(): As with SystemContext(), instead of vtcapp.disableevents() and vtcapp.enableevents(), the with vtcapp.DisabledEvents(): can be used. See description in the Python features.
  • Separate folder for risky Python modules: In order to be able to provide only certain Python modules for server applications, which do not represent major security risks, there is now a new PythonUnsafe folder in the Vertec installation directory in addition to the Python folder. The Python modules with higher security risk (which cannot be called anyway with Restrict Scripting turned on) are moved from the Python folder to PythonUnsafe. In the cloud suite, the PythonUnsafe folder is deleted by default. For on-premises, this folder can be deleted by the customer if the modules are not used.

    The setup creates the PythonUnsafe folder and removes the modules in it from the normal Python folder:

    • For new installations always.
    • For update installations only if the corresponding modules are still present in the normal Python folder. These are: ctypes, win32* (all modules starting with win32), win2kras, winsound and winxpgui.
  • Abacus extension recognizes street number: Addresses with the house number in front of the street name (e.g. 123 Baker Street) are now correctly recognized by the Abacus extension and transferred to Abacus correctly.
  • Determination of the payment type in Abacus receivables interface adjusted: When determining the payment type to be used based on the invoice, the first payment type whose IBAN matches the IBAN of the invoice is no longer simply used, but the following criteria are taken into account:

    • Only active payment types
    • Comparison of IBAN number of invoice and payment type
    • Comparison of companyAddress.adresstext of invoice and payment type

Bug fixes

  • Outlook App can be used in parallel with Microsoft Viva: The component that could block the Exchange Server in conjunction with Microsoft Viva has been updated. The problem is solved. See also: Current support cases.
  • fetchlinkmembers() can be called using the return value: Fixed the issue that using the return value of vtcapp.fetchlinkmembers() caused an access violation.
  • Deactivation of the login without password also possible without “UserAdmin”: If the system setting Allow Vertec login with empty password is deactivated, it is checked whether the user with the entry Id UserAdmin set a password to prevent it from being locked out accidentally. This would lead to an error if there was no user with this entry id in the system. If there is no such user, a message will be displayed: Please make sure that there is at least one administrator user with a password set.
  • Outlook App Update (Windows) installed in correct directory: The update of the Outlook App Windows Edition installed since Vertec to the wrong directory (directly to the Vertec directory instead of in Vertec Outlook App). This has been fixed.
  • Missing translation for “Choose project” in Mandate language added: From this version Choose project in the language of the mandate correctly with Choose job translated.
  • Abacus payment reconciliation with payment status: The missing status information for payments was retrofitted by Abacus in the API and shipped with Abacus V2023 SP. The problem that Vertec imported canceled payments was fixed.
  • Abacus extensions can also process addresses with a blank standard street address: Invoices with customer addresses that did not set a postal address (street) (standardadresse empty), generated an error during processing. This has been fixed and the (empty) addresses are sent to Abacus. If this is not allowed in Abacus, at most an error message will be sent from Abacus.


  • Functional extension for activities of the contact type Email: In order to create a new activity for attachments of an email saved as an activity in Vertec, from this version onward the button is available for document saving Internally Als Aktivität speichern This creates a new activity that applies the date, project, phase and contact of the email activity. You can find all information in the article Outlook app: how to use and use.
  • Send document as PDF by e-mail: From this version onward, when saving documents Intern the activity of the button Als E-Mail senden (PDF) available which documents with the formats doc and docx converted to a PDF and opened in an email. For more information, see document handling on activities.
  • Support for optional arguments from the Outlook app in reports: Context variables are now added to the context object in the report for the transfer of project, phase and opportunity from the Outlook app project, phase and opportunity These can be accessed in the email templates for the Outlook app.
  • Button on payments hidden: The button Bezahlen... on the page More info of invoices is hidden by default from this version. The Payments subfolder is also always shown, even if no payments have been entered yet (only for new databases). All information about this can be found in the revised article Entering payments.
  • New command line parameter for the Cloud Installer: From this version, the Cloud Installer can use the parameter /norestart which, when using /silent prevents a possible reboot. For more information, see Cloud Installer in the article Command Line Parameters.
  • Improved restart handling of the setup: The improvement of the cloud installer implemented with version has now also been implemented for the cloud server setup and desktop app setup. Thus, the VC++ installer no longer requires a restart.
  • Restrict parameters by default in the Vertec.ini file: To increase the security of on-premises installations, the Vertec.ini file contains the parameters by default for new installations from this version onward. Restrict Scripting=True, Restrict Session Process=True and Restrict Filesystem Access=True.
  • Alphabetical sorting in Outlook app: When assigning activity types to emails or calendar entries, the drop-down list is sorted alphabetically instead of by the internal ID.
  • ”Database” section removed from the project: On projects, the section was added to the Accounting page Datenbank hidden. The values entered there overwrote the data stored in the system settings.
    To show the fields again, the following code can be found in the class settings of the project: Anpassung shall be registered:
<Page Override="ProjectAccounting">
   <Group Name="DatabaseGroup" PlaceBefore="SettingsGroup" Orientation="Vertical" Header="{Translate 'Database'}" Separator="Never">
       <TextBox Name="AccountingDatabase" Label="{Translate 'Accounting database'}" ValueExpression="datenbankfibu"
           IsCascaded="True" WidthFraction="0.75" ActionButtonCommand="{Binding AccountingDatabaseCommand}" />
       <TextBox Name="AccountingLogin" Label="{Translate 'Accounting login'}" ValueExpression="loginFibu"
           IsCascaded="True" WidthFraction="0.75" />
       <PasswordBox Name="AccountingPassword" Label="{Translate 'Accounting password'}" ValueExpression="passwordFibu"
           IsCascaded="True" WidthFraction="0.75" />
   <Group Override="SettingsGroup" Header="{Translate 'Further options'}" />

If, on the other hand, you have overridden these fields in your customizing, you will need to adjust accordingly by either removing this section or removing the rows from “Override=”:

<TextBox Override="AccountingDatabase" Label="Our Accounting DB" />

change to “Name=”:

<TextBox Name="AccountingDatabase" Label="Our Accounting DB" />

Bug fixes

  • Field Document path on class settings removed: On the detail page of class settings, the field was removed despite the system setting Document storage Internal Dokumentpfad shown. This has been removed with this version.
  • Error message for the list controller: If the list controller contains an error in the method initalize(), from this version onward a detailed error message including any existing message (text from the exception) is shown.
  • Normalization of CommsChannel retrofitted: During the implementation of normalization of e-mail addresses, the types of communication media were M(mobile) and F(Fax) forgotten and retrofitted with this version.
  • Fixed 500 error from the XML server: The first XML request after a new login could lead to an error message due to a timing problem. On the first call, the session is personalized, i.e. reserved for the logged-in user. The processing of the personalization and the XmlQueries sometimes took place in the wrong order. This has been fixed.


  • Larger document preview on activities: The preview has been enlarged so that documents are no longer shown as a whole, but the entire width of the page is used and the rest is shown via scroll bars. For the new screenshots, see Document handling on activities. In addition to Word and PDF documents, the preview also includes file formats .png, .jpg and .bmp supported.
  • Outlook App contact history also for appointments: The appointment view shows the contact history of the selected contact for all attendees invited to the appointment if there is an entry in Vertec for the corresponding email address. See Services and activities based on calendar entries.
  • Date selection in the BI is remembered for new views: If the date setting is changed in a BI view, it is saved in the background. When opening a new BI view, the last date set is used. Already opened views are not synchronized, the selected date is only used for newly opened views. See Open bi view.
  • Adjusted net capacity in resource planning: In addition to the lines for gross and net capacity, there is an optional third line in the utilization graphs Angepasste Nettokapazität, if in principle only part of the available time is scheduled. The free capacity in the capacity graphs shows the reduced value. The corresponding percentage can be defined in the Adjusted Net Capacity (%) system setting. There are new methods for
    this on the Resourceplanningprovider (get_custom_net_capacity_minutes() and get_custom_remaining_capacity_minutes()) and two new renderers (vtcplanning.CustomNetCapacityRenderer, vtcplanning.CustomRemainingCapacityRenderer).
  • Support for different VAT rates per type in Abacus: Since the implementation of different VAT rates per type in Vertec, there may be several posting lines with the same VAT code but different rates. In order for Abacus to differentiate between these VAT rates, VAT rates in Abacus must also be defined by posting date and the posting must be given a date from which Abacus can determine the correct VAT rate. For this
    purpose, posting objects in Vertec have the following two new properties:
    • MWST Datum: Specifies the date relevant to the VAT. Usually the value date of the invoice (or creditor’s date). If a VAT rate appears that differs from the “normal,” the start or end date of the relevant VAT detail is used.
    • MWSTTyp: Used internally for the implementation of MWSTDatum used.

Bug fixes

  • Cloud app with invalid URL returns error message: If the Cloud App was started with a non-existent URL, it crashed without an error message. Starting with this version, the error message will Der Vertec Cloud Server ist nicht erreichbar (...) shown.
  • Use of the most up-to-date service type: If a service type is defined several times when assigning services to phases (with the checkbox activated, Types of services must be assigned to the phase) and the first assignment of it is inactive, then the service type was not shown in the service entry in the combo box. From this version onward, the most up-to-date (active) activityPhaseLink is always shown.


  • Message when activating OpenID Connect with missing Admin ID: From now on, a message will be shown when activating Openid connect if the administrator (EntryId: UserAdmin) does not have an OpenID Connect ID. Otherwise, he may not be able to log in to Vertec (for new databases or if the system setting Login with empty password possible is disabled).
  • Addition of the Python method vtcapp.getobjectbyid: So that in the Python method vtcapp.getobjectbyid also with obj.objid from this version onward, the method also accepts values of the data type long.
  • Protocol Handler as an optional component: The Cloud Installer installs the Protocol Handler only if the administrator selects the optional components.
  • Enhancement of calculation period BI measures: Up to now, the selection of the calculation period of the BI measures was only possible up to the current year. This has been extended by + 5 years into the future.

Bug fixes

  • Improved error messages in the XML server: The XML server provides useful error messages in case of invalid object IDs.
  • Subject property of documents contains evaluated OCL: In reports, the subject without resolved OCL was entered as the subject property. With the current version, the OCL is now also shown correctly evaluated in the document property.
  • Python method updatesatz() can be executed with system context: The Python method updatesatz() can be executed with extended rights even as a non-project manager without errors.
  • Resource planning: Display of the total line when scrolling: The total line in resource planning tables in the web app was sometimes incorrectly displayed in the gray bar when scrolling to the right. This has been fixed in this version.
  • Fixed endless loops in the web app: When opening supplier > address entry > creditor, the creditor can no longer be opened, so infinite loops are no longer possible.
  • Problem Special case for capacity calculation in resource planning solved: The values in the column Verfügbar(with the renderer vtcplanning.NetCapacityRenderer) were calculated incorrectly in a special case. This problem has been fixed.
  • Swiss QR code with country code: Starting with this version, QR invoices can also be imported on accounts payable whose addresses contain ZIP prefixes such as LI-xxxx, CH-xxxx or CH xxxx.
  • Pre-selection of phases for calendar entries in Outlook app: Pre-selection of phases with spaces did not work when capturing services or activities in Outlook app. To fix this, some formatting rules had to be adjusted. For example, whenever a space is used in the code of a project or phase, the specification must be enclosed in parentheses or in quotation marks. If a punctuation mark follows the specification of a code, the code must also be enclosed in parentheses or in quotation marks. Please note the up-to-date formatting rules in the article Outlook app: how to use and use.
  • Outlook App: Fixed error with $ symbols when running Vertec with MS SQL server: If the messageid $ contained symbols, the error appeared Unclosed quotation mark after the character string, or the email could be stored in Vertec as many times as desired because it could not be identified. This has been fixed in this version.
  • Fixed incorrect behavior for internal document saving on activities: When the System Setting Document Storage is set to Internal and when running a report, the option is set to Aktivität erzeugen was disabled, an activity was still created and the report was saved on it if a document name was specified in the report template. This behavior is fixed with the current version. See also: Up-to- Up-To-Date Support Cases.
  • Changed exception handling in the Outlook app: Calls with the Outlook app Windwos Edition have been provided with an exception handler, which swallows any errors from Outlook and writes them to the log file at the same time.
  • Update of the ProtocolVersion: With the last release, the ProtocolVersion was accidentally not incremented. This resulted in older versions of the cloud app being able to access newer versions in the cloud server, which could lead to errors on the interface. This was resolved with the update of the ProtocolVersion fixed.
  • Fixed bug in included Office reports: The Attendance time [h] heading was not translated on the report template of the proof of work (adjustment of the Excel template). The dialog shows an incorrect heading on the monthly check of services report (adjustment in the report code). If you have user-specific customizations of these reports, you have to make the changes manually.
  • No forced reboot when installing the cloud app: The cloud app installer installs a new version of VC++ on the client machine, if it is not already installed. The VC++ installation requires a reboot. This is no longer forced, but a message appears after the cloud app installation that a reboot should be made. Here you can reject (and reboot later, if it does not fit), or accept and restart.


  • Improved error output for problems with sendmail(): When sending e-mails via the Python feature vtcapp.sendmail(), errors may occur, such as if the mail server is not reachable or the server name is entered incorrectly. From this version, instead of the general error message, An unexpected problem occurred while sending the email the cause of the error in more detail.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed scrolling problems in the Outlook app: When scrolling through the results of a selection field with the mouse wheel, the Activity History of the Outlook app was also scrolled at the same time. Starting with this version, only the selection field itself is scrolled.
  • Shortcut led to Test Exception: The Shortcut Key Ctrl+Shift+V in some cases led to a Test Exception, which is why the associated code was removed.
  • Abacus Web extension: From Vertec version to, some adjustments to the extension have been unintentionally removed and reintroduced with this version. In addition, a bug when posting with empty address lines for receivables has been fixed.
11.10.2023 Major release 27.09.2023