Sales probabilities in resource planning

This additional feature provides utilization graphs taking into account sales probabilities

Product line




Operating mode

Cloud Suite




Services & CRM

Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 01.02.2023
Machine translated
Updated: 04.05.2023 | Technical information added.

This application is an Additional Feature. The corresponding config set can be found here.


This additional feature provides three Utilization Graphs for resource planning on phases:

  • Phase weighted
  • Offer/Sold
  • Offer/Sold Weighted

Weighted means that the probability on the project phase is taken into account.

With this additional feature, the Probability field is displayed on the project phase and the system setting Status for new project phases is set to Angebot provided.

We recommend using it together with the additional Additional Feature Root Folder Sales, which implements this Field Probability on the project phase and the related workflow.

Utilization graphs

Phase weighted

This plot takes into account the probabilities specified on the phase (planned values are multiplied by the probability/100).


In this presentation, the phases of productive projects in Angebot and Verkauft structured and all internal projects as Intern summarized.

  • Under Angebot all phases appear with the offer.
  • Under Verkauft all phases appear with the Granted or Completed.

Phases with the Rejected are not considered.

Offer/Sold Weighted

In contrast to offer/sell, this representation takes into account the probabilities indicated on the phase (the planned values are multiplied by the probability/100).

  • Under Angebot all phases appear with the Status offer.
  • Under Verkauft all phases appear with the Status Granted or Completed.

Phases with the Status Rejected are not considered.


Requirements and Download

Important information before importing can be found in the article Interesting facts about the additional features. Please note that Config Sets change data in Vertec, which may result in existing data being overwritten.

The exact import process can be found in the Articles about the config sets.

Download the additional feature with the following link:

Version Requirement Download Configset_resourceplanningsales.xml

The following objects are created by importing the config set:

Utilization dimensions

Utilization dimensions in the folder Settings > Resource Scheduling:

  • Offered/Sold
  • Offered/Sold Weighted
  • Phase weighted
Reports & Scripts
  • Script: module_resource_planning_sales
Class Settings

Class settings and page customizations for the ProjectPhase class.


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