Overview of services

Overview of services on projects, phases and users

Product line




Operating mode

Cloud Suite




Services & CRM

Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 28.09.2009
Machine translated
Updated: 29.11.2022 | Grouping by phase on a project possible from version

The Services overview cross table is located on the individual user, phase or project. This list clearly shows the services entered within the selected period.

You can select any date from a date dialog. Depending on the selected period of time, the relevant week, month or year is shown. The date selector sets the starting point.

The values are shown as follows:

  • Green: open services
  • Red: charged services
  • Black = on this day (for period year: in this month) there are both open and charged services for the selected group

Overtime and vacation balances

In the lower part of a user’s Services overview, a summary of the working time values is also shown. It is a detailed list of standard hours, working time and overtime for the period selected in the overview, as well as the vacation credit and the current balance. The figures on the left (standard hours / working time) refer to the selected interval. The block on the right (vacation) always uses a year for the vacation credit based on the vacation reference date. The period from the vacation date to the end of the selected period is used for the vacation entitlement.

For a detailed description of the values, see the article User settings.

From Vertec 6.2, the display of overtime and vacation balances depends on the relevant balance calculation options for the user. If one or both of the options is deactivated for a user, the relevant figures are automatically hidden in  the Services overview.


This view can also be grouped according to different criteria, adjustable via the Grouping selection field:

The grouping is saved user-specific. In other words, the last used value is saved per user and is reused the next time the list is displayed.

The following groupings are configurable (may vary depending on the licensed modules and product lines):

On users On projects On phases
  • Project
  • Project, phase
  • Project, service type
  • Project, phase, service type
  • Project, phase, subphase, service type      
  • Service type
  • User
  • Phase
  • Phase, user
  • User, phase
  • User, service type
  • Service type  
  • User
  • User, service type
  • Service type

User rights

Display of tabs

The display of the Services overview folder is controlled by the member ownedKTInfo. This is available for projects, users and phases. If read access is available, the folder is shown, otherwise it is not.

By default, users only have this read right for themselves. If you do not want the user to see the Services overview folder, you must deny this user right:

For projects and phases, the read right to ownedKTInfo is handled in the same way as the project manager right (see also: standard user rights). This means that the Services overview tab appears for projects where the logged-in user is defined as a project manager, key user, or deputy key user.

Display of figures

How figures are displayed in overview services is controlled via user rights on the row objects of type cross table info.

By default, users have read access to all attributes of the cross table info objects on themselves or if they are an admin, a project manager, a teamleader or a third party tracker:

Overview Read right allowed
On users
  • if for themself
  • logged-in user is admin, supervisor or third party tracker
  • logged-in user is teamleader of the displayed user.
On projects
  • logged-in user has project manager right on the project
On phases
  • logged-in user has project manager right on the phase

This can be overridden by granting or denying the read right on the cross table info class: