Description of Vertec Python functions
Product line
Operating mode
Cloud Suite
Services & CRM
Budget & Phases
Resource Planning
Business Intelligence
The Vertec installation includes a Vertec Python library (module), which is automatically available in the Python scripts after installation and is called vtcapp.
The module has the following methods/features:
Method / feature | description | Sample code | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
__doc__ |
Documentation of a feature. | >>> print vtcapp.__doc__ Interface module to host application. |
argobject |
Up-to-date Vertec object. This variable is always available, so the call can be made without |
projekt = argobject |
checkcreate(class:string): int |
Checks whether the user has the right to create objects of the specified class. Return value is 0 or 1 (False, True) |
>>> print vtcapp.checkcreate('Projekt') 1 |
checkfeature(featurecode: string): boolean |
Checks whether a particular feature is licensed. The feature codes are according to Vertec feature matrix (e.g. Return value is False or True |
>>> vtcapp.checkfeature('fcPhasen') True |
convertwordtopdf(wordDoc: string): string |
Converts a Word document of type |
The corresponding Word document must be created and read: in_file = open("C:\<yourPath>\BeispielWordFürEmail.docx", "rb") wordDoc = Conversion: pdfDoc = vtcapp.convertwordtopdf(wordDoc) |
createoutlookmail(to, subject, body=”“, cc=”“, bcc=”“, attachments=[], show=True, onBehalfOf=”“)Python method from version, which allows to create an email message on the client via Outlook. Works with the desktop app and the cloud app. If you are working with the web app, the sendmail() method can be used.
*Keyword means that you can specify the optional values with the parameter as a keyword, e.g. Examples:
Note: Use spreadsheets in your Word documents and avoid tab stops because they cannot be processed in the email.
createlist(classname, [list]): list |
From version With this a Vertec list can be created, on which OCL can then be evaluated.
Starting with version the Python methods evalocl(), getwithsql() and getmemberwithsql() automatically return vertec lists, see Vertec lists. |
mylist = vtcapp.createlist('Projekt') mylist.append(argobject) or liste = vtcapp.createlist("Projekt", vtcapp.evalocl("projekt->select(code.sqllike('A%'))")) liste2 = liste.evalocl("self->select(aktiv)") |
createobject(class: string) |
Creates new object of the specified class. | leistung = vtcapp.createobject("OffeneLeistung") |
currentlogin(): project editor |
Up-to-date registered user | >>> bearbeiter = vtcapp.currentlogin() >>> Christoph Keller |
currentobject |
See the description in the article Python Scripts. | projekt = currentobject |
disableevents() |
Starting with Vertec always use Disabledevents() instead. With |
# Ganzes Script try: vtcapp.disableevents() main() finally: vtcapp.enableevents() # Teil eines Scripts vtcapp.disableevents() rechnung.datum = vtcapp.currentdate() vtcapp.enableevents() |
DisabledEvents() |
From version Must be Used, for example, to modify a certain attribute that would otherwise execute an event. |
with vtcapp.DisabledEvents(): rechnung.datum = vtcapp.currentdate() |
evalocl(expression: string): expressiontype |
Evaluate global OCL expression. | projektListe = vtcapp.evalocl("Projekt.allinstances->orderby(code)") |
evaloclstring(obj: object, expStr: string): string |
Evaluate OCL expression within a string. Return value: fully evaluated string. | >>> vtcapp.evaloclstring(argobject,"Bearbeiter: %name% ist %stufe.asstring%") Bearbeiter: Christoph Keller ist Senior Consultant |
evaltovariable(obj: object, ocl: string, varname: string) |
Evaluates an OCL and saves the value in an OCL variable. The variable can then be queried globally with evalocl() .As of version, the variable name “self” may no longer be used, since this is a keyword. A corresponding error message appears. |
>>> projekt = vtcapp.evalocl("projekt->select(code='TRASTA')->first") >>> vtcapp.evaltovariable(projekt, "rechnungen->first", "varRechnung") >>> vtcapp.evalocl("varRechnung") 15070005, TRASTA >>> projekt.evalocl("varRechnung") 15070005, TRASTA |
executefile(command: string, [argumentString: string])Before executefile(path: string) Opens a file on the client (without web app). The file path must be accessible from the client. Starting with version, Command Line Parameters are also supported. For this, optional arguments can be passed. The previous simple case still works. Parameter parsing is as follows:
As of Vertec only files of the type
Examples: pfad = r'S:\Dokumente\Kontakte\Bistro Cooper\Brief.docx' vtcapp.executefile(pfad) The r in front of the path causes control characters to be ignored. Because the backslash is a control character in certain combinations for Python, otherwise the path may be misinterpreted or fragmented and an error may occur. vtcapp.executefile("calc.exe") opens the Windows computer. From also: vtcapp.executefile('notepad++.exe', r'-lpython "C:\Dokumente\Mein"') |
executefolder(path: string) |
Opens the specified folder on the client (without web app), e.g. in Windows Explorer. The path must be accessible from the client. If the folder does not exist yet, a message will appear whether it should be created: ![]() In a script this has to be queried and the folder has to be created in the code if no message is to appear on the interface. This can be done e.g. via the Python module os (does not work with Restricted Scripting). |
import os pfad = r'S:\Dokumente\Kontakte\Bistro Cooper' if os.path.isdir(pfad): vtcapp.executefolder(pfad) The r in front of the path causes control characters to be ignored. Because the backslash is a control character in certain combinations for Python, otherwise the path may be misinterpreted or fragmented and an error may occur. |
executereport(rootObj, optarg, reportObj, [saveAs, showDialog, doPrint, showApp]): reportAllows calling and executing Reports based on a report object. For
Examples: Show a Word report for invoice without dialog and without saving a file: vtcapp.executereport(rech, None, rechTempl, "", showDialog=False) The variable rechTempl must contain the report object for an invoice, the variable rech the invoice object. Starting with version the method returns the report output as a byte string (only if reportObj is a Vertec report definition, not if a path is specified). This can be further processed and, for example, attached to an email via rechTempl = vtcapp.evalocl("bericht->select(eintragid='BerichtScriptInvoiceWithList')->first") pdf = vtcapp.executereport(argobject, None, rechTempl, "", showDialog=False) vtcapp.createoutlookmail("", "Betreffend", "Inhalt", attachments=[('rechnung.pdf', pdf)]) |
executereport2(rootObj, optarg, reportObj, [saveAs, showDialog, doPrint, showApp]): (report, activity) |
Starting with version Allows calling and executing Reports based on a report object. The method returns a tuple consisting of the report output as a byte string and the associated activity. For the description of the parameters, see executereport() above. Only a Vertec report definition (class report) can be passed as reportObj, no file paths. See the executereport() or executeserverwordreport() section below for a table of availability with the different systems. |
rechTempl = vtcapp.evalocl("bericht->select(eintragid='BerichtScriptInvoiceWithList')->first") reportdoc, activity = vtcapp.executereport2(argobject, None, rechTempl) The return value of the method is a tuple:
An activity is only created when a report is saved. |
executeserverwordreport(rootObj, optarg, templatePath, [outputFormat, saveAs, showDialog, showApp]) |
Starting with version This method is used to run Vertec-generated legacy word reports without a report object. See the executereport() or executeserverwordreport() section below for
vtcapp.executeserverwordreport(argobject, None, r"C:\Program Files (x86)\Vertec\Reports\Deutsch\", "", "C:\\Dokumente\\Vertec\\Test", True, True) |
executorl(url) |
Opens the specified URL on the client (all full-featured apps). The URL must be accessible from the client. In the web app, it must be a publicly accessible path; access to the local client is not possible. |
For example, to open a website in the browser: vtcapp.executeurl("") Or a Vertec Breadcrumb URL: vtcapp.executeurl("vertec://CK-676/eigene+Projekte-49/COMINSTALL-2880/") the same works as a short version, in which only the IDs are specified: vtcapp.executeurl("vertec://676/49/2880/") |
fetchlinkmembers(objectlist, membername): objectlist |
From version 6.4. Loads the sublist (membername) into memory for a list of objects (objectlist), and at the same time makes the multilink current, which means that the list will not be reloaded when the link is accessed. Therefore, the call should fetchlinkmembers() immediately prior to the re-use of the list. |
# Loop durch die Phasen von Projekten, welche mindestens eine Phase "erteilt" haben projekte = vtcapp.getwithsql("Projekt", "bold_id IN (SELECT projekt FROM projektphase WHERE status=1)", "") vtcapp.fetchlinkmembers(projekte, "phasen") for projekt in projekte: x = projekt.evalocl("phasen->select(status=1)") |
generateinvoicenumber() |
Creates the next Vertec invoice number according to the system settings Invoice / Fee Note. |
rech = argobject rech.nummer = vtcapp.generateinvoicenumber() |
getcurrentobject() |
Returns the object selected in the tree and can be called from Ocl call operators using OCL Call operators. |
getmailattachment(content, idx): bytestring |
From version 6.5. Allows downloading an email attachment of an activity. Returns the contents of the attachment as a byte string as the return value. Since the names of the attachments are not necessarily unique, it must be identified by Idx. |
filecontent = vtcapp.getmailattachment(activity.content, 0) outfile.write(filecontent) outfile.close() |
getmailattachments(content): list(string) |
Starting with version 6.5. Returns a list of attachment names of an activity. |
filename = vtcapp.getmailattachments(activity.content)[0] outfile = open('C:/data/' + filename, 'wb') |
getmemberwithsql(obj: object, membername: string, where: string, order: string): list of objects |
Allows querying members of an object via SQL. |
projekt = argobject li=vtcapp.getmemberwithsql(projekt, "offeneleistungen", "xwertext>200", "") print len(li) >>> 3 |
getobjectbyentryid(classname: string, entryid: string): object |
Starting with version Gets the object with the specified class and Entry Id. Both parameters must always be specified. If the class If no or more objects are found, an error is thrown. Note: The objects are loaded internally via SQL. Thus, only objects that are already stored in the database are found. For newly created objects, a |
obj = vtcapp.getobjectbyentryid("Ordner", "FolderPublicProjectBySectors") |
getobjectbyid(id: int, string or long*): object |
Gets the object with the specified Internal Id. If the id is not present, an error is thrown. Note: The objects are loaded internally via SQL. Thus, only objects already stored in the database are found. For newly created objects, first a * Starting with Vertec |
obj = vtcapp.getobjectbyid(62162) or obj = vtcapp.getobjectbyid("62162") |
getpropertyvalue(propname: string): value |
Returns the value of the system setting (Property) with the specified name. The return value depends on the type of the property. |
>>> print vtcapp.getpropertyvalue("firma") LKT Engineering GmbH, Hamburg |
getvertecserveraddress(): string |
Returns the address at which the Vertec cloud server is available from the internet. |
vtcapp.executeurl(vtcapp.getvertecserveraddress()) |
getwithsql(class: string, where: string, order: string, [idfilterfield: string, objectlist: list]): list of objectsBefore version
This global SQL statement is used to filter lists to be filtered in a performance-optimized way directly on the database (see the article Performance-optimized access to vertec objects). A call via The executing user must have administrator rights or the SQL Query right. For granting temporary administrator rights, the variant of extended permissions is available.
In Vertec versions before (before Firebird 5) you have to work with these filter criteria for lists (not the result list, but the filter criteria list, in the example on the right the |
Without optional filter criteria: projektlist = vtcapp.getwithsql("Projekt", "bold_id IN (SELECT projekt FROM projektphase WHERE status=1)", "code") With optional filter criteria: projekte = argobject.evalocl("eigProjekte") leistungen = vtcapp.getwithsql("OffeneLeistung","", "datum", "projekt", projekte)
getwithsqlbymember(klasse: string, member: string, expression: string, order [optional]: string): list of objects |
Starting with version Allows searching for objects of a class based on a single member comparison for users without SQL privileges (the general SQL search methods getwithsql and getmemberwithsql are restricted by SQL privilege because they can be invoked with any SQL WHERE clause.
When the feature is called, the permission of the current user is checked on the member used for the selection. The user must have class-wide read rights on the member for the search to work. Otherwise, there is an error. |
projektlist = vtcapp.getwithsqlbymember("Projekt", "Code", "COM%") |
importconfigset(xmltext: string/file)Starting with Vertec importconfigset(xmltext: string/file): string |
Imports a config set into Vertec and applies it. Valid XML text is passed as a string or file as a config set. Note the encoding: Until, the passed XML text must be in ANSI format, from in UTF-8. Starting with Vertec, the feature returns a string containing possible errors during the import. |
vtcapp.importconfigset("""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <configset name="test" author="test"> <requirements /> <references/> <objects/> <settings> <system-setting name="GlobalDokPfad">C:\Dokumente</system-setting> </settings></configset>""") Or as of xml="""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <configset name="test" author="test"> <requirements /> <references/> <objects/> <settings> <system-setting name="GlobalDokPfad">C:\Dokumente</system-setting> </settings></configset>""".encode('utf-8') vtcapp.importconfigset(xml) Or as a file: f = open(r"C:\Projekte\Vertec\ConfigSet\ConfigSet.xml") vtcapp.importconfigset( |
inputbox(caption: string, prompt: string[, default: string]): string |
Show simple input field.
The structure of the buttons and the return values works according to article msgbox/inputbox: description of the parameters. |
print vtcapp.inputbox("Titel", "Geben Sie einen Text ein:") >>> test |
log(category: string, level: int, msg: string) |
Log Message in Vertec Logging System. Levels available:
projekt = argobject leistung = projekt.evalocl("offeneleistungen->first") if leistung: try: leistung.xwertext = 0 except: vtcapp.log("Leistungen anpassen", 30, "Keine Berechtigung") |
msgbox(msg: string) |
Show message box (versions before 6.0) | Information is always used as the title and Info is always used as the dialog type (button/symbol combination). vtcapp.msgbox("Das ist ein Test") |
msgbox(text: string [, buttons: int, title: string]): int |
Show message box (versions from 6.0) The feature supports (optional) arguments for buttons and titles. The structure of the buttons and the return values works according to article msgbox/inputbox: description of the parameters. |
vtcapp.msgbox("Dies ist mein Text", 1, "Vertec") |
msgtomime(msgcontent): mimecontent |
From version up to and including version 6.6. Converts
Existing emails as |
import os for act in argobject.eintraege: if act.effpfad and os.path.exists(act.effpfad): try: f = open(act.effpfad, 'rb') act.content = vtcapp.msgtomime( except Exception as e: print('error on activity %s: %s' % (act, e)) else: print('path is empty or doesn\'t exist on activity %s' % act) |
pdfcombine(doc1:string, doc2:string): string |
Starting with version This method merges 2 PDF documents. The PDF documents are passed as a byte string. |
newpdf = vtcapp.pdfcombine(pdf1, pdf2) |
pdfextract(doc:string, pagefrom:int, pagetill:int): string |
Starting with version This method extracts one or more pages. The parameters pagefrom and pagetill correspond to the first and last pages, respectively, and must be specified. | newpdf = vtcapp.pdfextract(pdf1, pagefrom, pagetill) |
pdfpagecount(doc:string): int |
Starting with version This method specifies the number of pages in the document. | pages = vtcapp.pdfpagecount(pdf1) |
processbi(from: String, to: String, generator: String) |
Method for calculating Bi data for the business intelligence module. Corresponds to the calculation of the BI data on a Measure and triggers the calculation of the generator given as a parameter. From and To dates are specified as a string in the format “Year-Month”. The generator must be specified in the same way as for the measures, i.e. “<Modulname>.<Generatorname>,” see example. Requires administrator rights. This method can also be automated, for example, via a planned task. For the calculation of all generators of all active measures, see the method vtcapp.standardprocessbi() below. |
Example: From January 2018 to February 2020: vtcapp.processbi("2018-01", "2020-02", "OffersGenerator.OffersGenerator") |
querycallback(state): dict |
Query a previously registered callback via registercallback. As soon as the callback has been executed, the feature returns a dictionary with all supplied parameters (incl. State). As long as the callback has not been executed yet, |
Example code: state=vtcapp.registercallback() # nur zur Demonstration: der Aufruf sollte natürlich über einen OAuth Authentifizierungs Server gehen vtcapp.executeurl("" % state) time.sleep(3.0) # kurz warten bis browser offen values=vtcapp.querycallback(state) print(values["message"]) |
readinvoicedocument(binaryData) |
Starting with version The Python feature
*Optional data: will only be output if the QR code contains additional information. Finally, the data object can be In addition, the feature can also be used in a planned task. |
Example script: kreditorbeleg = open("C:\Users\Name\Desktop\QrCodeBeleg.pdf",'rb').read() belegdaten = vtcapp.readinvoicedocument(kreditorbeleg) lieferanten = vtcapp.getwithsqlbymember("Adresseintrag", "name", belegdaten.Name) lieferant = lieferanten[0] currency = vtcapp.getwithsqlbymember("Waehrung", "bezeichnung", belegdaten.Currency)[0] kreditor=vtcapp.createobject("Kreditor") kreditor.lieferant = lieferant kreditor.belegbild = kreditorbeleg kreditor.esrteilnehmer = belegdaten.Account kreditor.esrcode = belegdaten.Reference kreditor.waehrung = currency kreditor.betragbrutto = belegdaten.Amount if hasattr(belegdaten, 'DocumentNumber'): kreditor.nummer = belegdaten.DocumentNumber if hasattr(belegdaten, 'DocumentDate'): kreditor.datum = belegdaten.DocumentDate if hasattr(belegdaten, 'DueDate'): kreditor.xfaelligdatum = belegdaten.DueDate if len(kreditor.auslagen) == 1: outlay = kreditor.auslagen[0] outlay.anzahl = None outlay.xwertintfwbrutto = belegdaten['Amount'] |
registercallback(): string |
Registers a callback on the cloud server to transmit an authentication code. This is required e.g. for authentication via OAuth. The return value is a randomly generated state string, which must be passed during the callback in order to be accepted. The callback is executed as an http get request to the cloud server, as an example |
Example code: state=vtcapp.registercallback() # nur zur Demonstration: der Aufruf sollte natürlich über einen OAuth Authentifizierungs Server gehen vtcapp.executeurl("" % state) time.sleep(3.0) # kurz warten bis browser offen values=vtcapp.querycallback(state) print(values["message"]) |
rendertemplate(templateString, data): unicode string |
As of version there is a general-purpose template engine in Python. It is based on that of the Jinja2 template engine ( For easy use in Vertec, this method is available. It is also available in Restricted Scripting mode (cloud suite) and returns a Unicode string. The For passing the data, the following options are available as additional arguments of the feature:
jinja2 package. However, this application is not cloud suite compatible and is not recommended. |
The most important structures are:
# Beispiel Code für Ausgabe einer Projektliste templateText = """ My own projects =============== {% for proj in projects %} Project: {{ proj.code }}, {{ proj.beschrieb }} {% endfor %} =============== """ projects = vtcapp.evalocl("timSession->first.login.eigProjekte") rendered_text = vtcapp.rendertemplate(templateText, projects = projects) print rendered_text |
requestfilefromclient(dialogTitle: string, directory: string, filter: string [, fileName: string]): (filename, file)Before version |
Starting with version The user can select a local file in the client application. This is then transmitted to the server and is available as a binary stream for further processing as a return value of the Python method.
The method returns a tuple consisting of file name and file contents (before version, the method returns a tuple consisting of absolute file path including file name and file contents). The maximum file size to upload is 50 MB. If the user clicks on Cancel in the dialog, the error message appears in Python: Web App If a client-side path is specified (parameter The start directory (parameters In versions prior to, the File dialog cannot show a custom dialog title. The The filter does not show the designation, it only says “All support types (...)” and then the endings individually. |
It also supports a simple syntax:
Version before Vertec
roundcurrency(amount, currency=None): float |
Rounds the specified amount, taking into account the Project > Use rounding rules system setting. If a Currency is optionally provided, the value entered on it is additionally |
No indication of currency: amount = vtcapp.roundcurrency(amount) 5105.89 With currency indication:
amount =
curr = argobject.waehrung
vtcapp.roundcurrency(amount, curr)
5105.9 |
scriptexecute(scripttext, argobject=None) |
Allows you to call a Vertec script.
proj = vtcapp.getobjectbyentryid("Projekt", "TemplateProject") scripttext = vtcapp.evalocl("scripteintrag->select(bezeichnung='Projekt kopieren')->first.scripttext") vtcapp.scriptexecute(scripttext, proj) |
selectaddress()selectphase()selectproject()selectobjectintree() |
Starting with version Allows you to call the different search and selection dialogs for addresses, projects, phases and the tree directly from Python. The methods support the following optional keyword arguments:
Return value is the selected object. |
adresse= vtcapp.selectaddress(title="Adressauswahl", classname="Kontakt", filter="vorname like '%S%'") projekt = vtcapp.selectproject(title="Projektauswahl", filter="code like '%S%'") phase= vtcapp.selectphase(title="Phasenauswahl", filter="code like '%S%'") Kontakte = argobject.subordner Kontaktordner = list(Kontakte) Kontaktordner.append(argobject) selected=vtcapp.selectobjectintree("Objekt wählen",Kontaktordner, "Ordner, Kontakt", selectfilter="Kontakt") |
selectfromlist (caption: string, text: string, col1caption: string, col2caption: string, default: string, list: list of tuple): string |
Creates a selection dialog as specified.
*) To pre-select a row, the tuples of the list rows must consist of 3 items. The third item is the return value when the row is selected (this third column is invisible). Only in this case does the default parameter have an effect: the row whose third column corresponds to the specified default is pre-selected. |
$ vtc__000__999_66 |
sendfile(file: string, filename: string, [showsavedialog: boolean], [openfile: boolean]): booleanFrom version 6.2. Send a file or string (as a file) to a client. The method also works in Restrict Scripting mode.
As of Vertec, suppressing a dialog is only possible for the following file types (extensions). Whitelist:
The combination Starting with version the method has a return value and returns True or False:
Example of a simple project export: projekte = argobject.evalocl("eintraege.list") projektstr = "" for projekt in projekte: projektstr += projekt.code + "\r\n" vtcapp.sendfile(projektstr, 'projekte.txt', True, True) Example of how to send a locally available image: filename = r"C:\Arbeitsverzeichnis\python_editor.png" # opening for [r]eading as [b]inary with open(filename, 'rb') as afile: vtcapp.sendfile(afile, 'aFilenameHere.jpg', True, True) Files should be explicitly closed after use. Otherwise, they will only be closed by the garbage collector or, in case of an error, even on the next exception. It is recommended to use |
sendmail(to, subject, body, [cc, bcc, fromSender, attachments])Allows email to be sent from Vertec under the conditions described in the System Settings E-Mail. This method can be used with all apps.
vtcapp.sendmail("", "Dokumentation", "Dies ist der einfachste Fall")
1. The corresponding Word document must be created and read: in_file = open("C:\<yourPath>\BeispielWordFürEmail.docx", "rb") dataFileData = 2. Use the method to generate the email: vtcapp.sendmail('', 'Test E-Mail from Word', dataFileData) |
setpropertyvalue(name, value) |
Sets a system setting. The corresponding name is specified in each system setting. |
vtcapp.setpropertyvalue('Sperrdatum', vtcapp.incmonth(vtcapp.currentdate(), -1)) |
Only Vertec versions before 6.6. From Vertec version 6.6 you use the Sets a resource plan value.
bearbeiter = vtcapp.currentlogin() projekt = argobject vtcapp.setresourceplanvalue(bearbeiter, projekt, None, vtcapp.firstdayofmonth(vtcapp.currentdate()), 0, 240) |
showcustomdialog(dialog definition, initial values) |
Dialog function, with which dialogs can be defined in Python scripts and shown by the script. Available from version version 6.1. |
For a detailed description, see the article about the Python dialogs. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
showdetailform(obj: object) |
Displays the detail view of the object in a new tab. | leistung = vtcapp.createobject("Offeneleistung") vtcapp.showdetailform(leistung) |
standardprocessbi() |
Method for breaking Bi data for the business intelligence module. Corresponds to the execution of the standard supplied planned task and triggers the calculation of all generators on all active measures. Requires administrator rights. For the calculation of individual generators, see the vtcapp.processbi() method above. |
vtcapp.standardprocessbi() |
strtominutes(string): integer |
Translates a string into a minute value (integer), taking into account the up-to-date system setting show minutes. | Show minutes is hours:minutes: print vtcapp.strtominutes('1:30') >>> 90 print vtcapp.strtominutes('1.50') >>> 110 Show minutes is hours.Decimal: print vtcapp.strtominutes('1.50') >>> 90 |
sqldateliteral(date: date): string |
This method yields the correct date format for SQL queries, depending on the database server used, which is then converted into a getwithsql statement can be built in. |
aktivitaeten = vtcapp.getwithsql('Aktivitaet', 'datum = %s' % vtcapp.sqldateliteral(vtcapp.currentdate()), '') for akt in aktivitaeten: print akt >>> Support, 30.05.2017, Support Frau Müller Verkauf, 30.05.2017, Rechnung mit Leistungsliste (Word) Verkauf, 30.05.2017, Rechnung mit Leistungsliste (Word) Verkauf, 30.05.2017, Offerte (Word) Verkauf, 30.05.2017, Offerte (Word) Marketing, 30.05.2017, Informationen bezüglich KZU >>> |
sqlwhere(where: string): string |
Creates a SQL WHERE clause, matching the up-to-date database server used, which is then placed in a getwithsql Statement can be built in. |
whereclause = vtcapp.sqlwhere("standardadresse like 'Dachsweg%'") leistungen = vtcapp.sqlwherebetweendate('datum', vtcapp.firstdayofmonth(heute), heute) print leistungen, whereclause adressen = vtcapp.getwithsql("Adresseintrag", whereclause, "bold_id") for adresse in adressen: print adresse >>> upper(standardadresse) starting with 'DACHSWEG' Comtelsat AG Comtelsat AG, Lanz André Comtelsat AG, Huber Thomas >>> |
sqlwherebetweendate(query:string, from: date, to: date): string |
Creates a SQL between clause with a date interval that matches the currently used database server, which is then placed in a |
heute = vtcapp.currentdate() whereclause = vtcapp.sqlwherebetweendate('datum', vtcapp.firstdayofmonth(heute), heute) print whereclause leistungen = vtcapp.getwithsql("Leistung", whereclause, "datum") for leistung in leistungen: print leistung >>> datum between '01.05.2017' and '30.05.2017' COMINSTALL, 09.05.2017, BER Besprechung mit Hr. Müller COMINSTALL, 16.05.2017, TM Telefon mit Hr. Müller >>> |
syncpayments() |
Starting with version Performs a global payment reconciliation. If no debtor interface with payment reconciliation is installed, the method reports an error. |
vtcapp.syncpayments() For example, the method can be registered as a planned task. |
SystemContext() |
From version 6.6. Activates Extended user rights within the script.
with vtcapp.SystemContext(): ...Code der vom Systemcontext profitiert. |
translate(txt: string[, language:string]): string |
Translates a GUI text into the up-to-date Vertec language. Starting with version, an optional parameter for the target language of the translation can be used. |
The up-to-date Vertec language is English: >>> vtcapp.translate("Leistung") Service From version >>> vtcapp.translate('Offer', 'DD') Angebot |
updatedatabase() |
Saves changes to the database. | vtcapp.updatedatabase() |
validateobjects() |
Validates new objects. If they do not violate any rules, they are no longer invalid. |
vtcapp.validateobjects() |
versiontointeger(versionstring): int |
Converts a Vertec version string into a number that can be used to compare different versions. | Bsp: "" wird in 550067 umgesetzt, "5.5" in 550000, "5" in 500000 |
The following date functions are available. They are all located in the vtcapp module.
feature | Explanation | Example | From version |
currentdate(): date |
Returns the up-to-date date. | >>> vtcapp.currentdate() 2017-01-23 | |
currentdatetime(): datetime |
Returns the up-to-date date and the up-to-date time. | >>> vtcapp.currentdatetime() 2017-01-23 15:01:12.880000 | |
datetostr(date): string |
Converts a date to a string and returns it according to locale settings. | For example, in Australian English: >>> print vtcapp.strtodate('13/06/17') 2017-06-13 >>> print vtcapp.datetostr(datum) 13/06/2017 | |
datetostrgerman(date): string |
Converts a date to a string and returns it in German date format. It sometimes needs date values in German format at certain locations in scripts, regardless of current locale settings (see e.g. from/to arguments in groupPerformance Operators). |
>>> vtcapp.datetostrgerman(argobject.evalocl('creationdatetime')) 13.10.2016 |
6.2 |
firstdayofmonth(date): date |
Returns the date of the first day of the same month | >>> vtcapp.firstdayofmonth(vtcapp.currentdate()) 2018-03-01 |
5.7 |
firstdayofyear(date): date |
Returns the date of the first day of the same year | >>> vtcapp.firstdayofyear(vtcapp.currentdate()) 2018-01-01 |
5.7 |
formatminutes(integer): string |
Returns hour-minute display according to settings in Vertec | >>> vtcapp.formatminutes(argobject.minutenext) 1:00 |
5.7 |
incday(date, integer): date |
Increments the day (+ or -) and returns the new date | >>> vtcapp.incday(vtcapp.currentdate(), 1) 2018-03-17 |
5.7 |
incminute(datetime, integer): datetime |
Increments minutes (+ or -) and returns new date. The date that is passed must be in the format Datetime, i.e. have a time part. |
Adds 4 hours to the current time: >>> vtcapp.incminute(vtcapp.currentdatetime(), 240) 2018-03-16 18:43:44.958000 |
5.7 |
incmonth(date, integer): date |
Increments month (+ or -) and returns the new date Note: If the date is at the end of the month and the respective months have different quantities of days, the last day of the month is taken. Example: |
>>> vtcapp.incmonth(vtcapp.currentdate(), -1) 2018-02-16 |
5.7 |
incyear(date, integer): date |
Increments the year (+ or -) and returns the new date | >>> vtcapp.incyear(vtcapp.currentdate(), -1) 2017-03-16 |
5.7 |
lastdayofmonth(date): date |
Returns the date of the last day of the same month | >>> vtcapp.lastdayofmonth(vtcapp.currentdate()) 2018-03-31 |
5.7 |
lastdayofyear(date): date |
Returns the date of the last day of the same year | >>> vtcapp.lastdayofyear(vtcapp.currentdate()) 2018-12-31 |
5.7 |
ocldate(date): string |
Returns OCL encodedate string based on a date value | >>> import datetime >>> vtcapp.ocldate(,01,31)) encodedate(2018,1,31) |
5.7 |
strtodate(string): datetime |
Interprets a date string according to Windows locale settings (see notes on using strtodate below). | print vtcapp.strtodate('1.10.17') >>> 2017-10-01 00:00:00 |
5.7 |
thismonday(date): date |
Returns the date of the Monday in the same weeks | >>> vtcapp.thismonday(vtcapp.currentdate()) 2018-03-12 |
5.7 |
The use of strtodate is tricky because the string is interpreted according to the Windows locale. For example, the expression vtcapp.strtodate('01/31/2017) returns an error if it is not a German locale.
Therefore, you should always use the Python date function, month, day) in the code (see example above). However, if you want the user to query a specific date via an input box, you can do this by presenting a date suggestion in the correct format, which the user can modify accordingly.
For this, the date is formatted according to local country settings (vtcapp.datetostr..
# Frage den Benutzer nach dem Datum. Das Datum wird gemäss Windows-locale dargestellt. res = vtcapp.inputbox('Vertec', 'Datum für die Berechnung', vtcapp.datetostr(vtcapp.currentdate())) print vtcapp.strtodate(res)
The datetostr()
method was introduced in Vertec version In earlier Vertec versions, the date can be displayed in formatted with strftime
according to local locale settings:
import datetime # Frage den Benutzer nach dem Datum. Datum gemäss Windows-locale dargestellt. res = vtcapp.inputbox('Vertec', 'Datum für die Berechnung','%x')) print vtcapp.strtodate(res).date()
When is which method used and how do the parameters need to be set?
The following parameters are the same for all methods:
rootObj | The Vertec object on which the report runs. |
optarg | Optional address. If not used, use None . |
executereport(rootObj, optarg, reportObj, [saveAs, showDialog, doPrint, showApp]) | ||||||||
Reporting system | ReportObj | saveAs | showDialog | doPrint | showApp | Desktop | Cloud (disambiguation) | Web |
Office-generated legacy reports (Word, Excel) | Report object in Vertec
or Path to the Office template on the filesystem. |
If an empty string is specified or the argument is omitted, no file is saved. |
True or False Default=False |
True or False Default=False Deprecated in versions from onwards. |
True or False
In versions before ignored if doPrint = True. In this case, the report will always be shown. ignored if report is not saved. In this case, the report is always shown. |
x | x | |
Vertec-generated legacy Word reports | Report object in Vertec | Dito | Dito | Not included | Not included | x | x | x |
Office Reports (Word, Excel, PDF) | Report object in Vertec | Dito | Dito | Not included | True or False
Ignored if report is not saved. In this case, the report is always shown. |
x | x | x |
executereport2(rootObj, optarg, reportObj, [saveAs, showDialog, doPrint, showApp]) | ||||||||
Reporting system | ReportObj | saveAs | showDialog | doPrint | showApp | Desktop | Cloud (disambiguation) | Web |
Office-generated legacy reports (Word, Excel) | Report object in Vertec No trails. |
If an empty string is specified or the argument is omitted, no file is saved. If no file is saved, no activity is created. |
True or False
Default=False |
True or False Default=False Deprecated in versions from onward. |
True or False
In versions before ignored if doPrint = True. In this case, the report will always be shown. ignored if report is not saved. In this case, the report is always shown. |
x | x | |
Vertec-generated legacy Word reports | Report object in Vertec | Dito | Dito | Not included | Not included | x | x | x |
Office Reports (Word, Excel, PDF) | Report object in Vertec | Dito | Dito | Not included | True or False
Ignored if report is not saved. In this case, the report is always shown. |
x | x | x |
executeserverwordreport(rootObj, optarg, templatePath, [outputFormat, saveAs, showDialog, showApp]) | ||||||||
Reporting system | TemplatePath | outputFormat | saveAs | showDialog | showApp | Desktop | Cloud (disambiguation) | Web |
Vertec-generated Word reports | Path to Template | DOCX” or “PDF”.
Default: “DOCX |
If an empty string is specified or the argument is omitted, no file is saved. |
True or False
Default=False |
True or False
Default=True |
x | x | x |
italic: optional parameter
There is a Vertec module called vtcextensions for handling extensions.
It is also available in Restricted Scripting mode from version 6.3 and includes the following methods:
Method / feature | description | Sample code |
GetExtension(art:string) or getextension(art:string): extension |
Returns a reference to the extension of the specified type. | import vtcextensions |
CreateVtcExtensionHost(extension:string): host | With this method, the host used by the extensions (e.g. __init__(self, host) can be replicated in the code for testing purposes. When using the extensions via Vertec, this is done automatically. |
import vtcextensions |
# Buchungen # Wir fragen den Benutzer, ob er in die Buchhaltung buchen will. Vielleicht will er auch einfach nur die Buchungen anschauen. if vtcapp.msgbox("Die Buchungen wurden erstellt und als .txt Datei am üblichen Ort dokumentiert. Möchten Sie die Buchungen jetzt übertragen?",3, "Vertec") == 6: # Buchungen werden übertragen. ext = vtcextensions.getextension("DEBI") ext.StartLohnBuchung() for rec in reclist: ext.LohnBuchungsZeile(rec.Mandant, rec.Personalnummer, rec.Lohnartnummer, rec.Text, rec.GueltigVon, rec.GueltigBis, rec.Anzahl) # Buchungen werden hier abgesetzt. Vor der Buchung wird überprüft, # ob diese Zeile bereits vorhanden ist, wenn ja, überspringen. ext.EndLohnBuchung()
As of version, there is a Vertec module called ziputils, which allows you to compress files. It generates ZIP files in Python.
It is also available in Resctict Scripting mode and includes the following methods:
Method / feature | description | Sample code |
createzip(contentlist: tuples): bytestream | From version Compresses a list of tuples (filename,content) into a ZIP file and returns it as a byte stream. This can be easily saved/downloaded with a . |
import ziputils zip = ziputils.createzip([('file.txt', 'Hallo das ist ein Text')]) vtcapp.sendfile(zip, '', True) |
Starting with version the following 3 features are available:
returns a list of file names contained in the ZIP file. If the ZIP file has a folder structure, the names contain the paths separated by slashes (/).readbyname(zipcontent, name)
reads a file from the ZIP file based on its name.readbyidx(zipcontent, idx)
reads a file based on its index in the name list.As of version 6.6, there is the Python module vtcplanningcore for Resource Planning with the following methods:
Method / feature | description |
increment_interval_date(date, increment): date | Feature for incrementing and decrementing period start data. Increments the specified date by the increment specified quantity of intervals. For decrementing, a negative quantity of intervals can be specified. |
get_planning_level(): string | Returns the planning level as a string. Possible results: 'Projekt' or 'ProjektPhase' . |
get_planning_interval_type(): string | Returns the scheduling interval as a string. Possible results: 'day' , 'week' or 'month' . |
show_bulk_planning_dialog(left_obj, right_obj) | Displays a dialog for efficiently setting multiple planning values for the specified objects. The order in which the objects are provided does not play a role, but the caller must make sure that one of them is an object of type |
For the implementation of the resource planning lists, this module also includes a ResourcePlanningProvider
class available, which allows the reading and setting of plan data and which can be used in a List Controller.
One ResourcePlanningProvider
Object is created for a list of entries (users, projects or phases) and a time period. The provider then loads all planning data for these source objects and for the specified period. The planned values can then be retrieved or set.
A budgeted value in ResourcePlanningProvider
always applies to 2 entries and a date, e.g. for the user “Christoph Keller,” the project “AZZ2” and the month starting with 01.08.2022.
The one entry (the Source entry, sourceEntry
) must come from the list of entries specified at initialization. We call the other entry “opposite” (othersideEntry
The following methods are available on a ResourcePlanningProvider object:
ResourcePlanningProvider(sourceEntries, start, end) | Constructor, creates a planning provider and loads the planning data for the specified objects and period. |
add_entry(obj) | Adds a new object to the provider’s sourceEntries list. |
add_otherside_entry(obj) | Temporarily adds a new object to the list of otherside entries. This allows this object to be set_planned_minutes() budgeted values can be entered. |
get_planned_minutes(date, sourceEntry, othersideEntry, subscriber): int | Returns the scheduled time in minutes for the scheduled cell with interval date date and the two specified entries. If no plan data is available, None returned. |
set_planned_minutes(date, sourceEntry, othersideEntry, value) | Sets the scheduled time in minutes for the scheduled cell with interval date date and the specified entries.Setting a None Value as value removes the plan data for this cell. |
has_write_access(sourceEntry, othersideEntry, subscriber): boolean | Checks whether the two objects and the date range have write permissions. |
get_planned_minutes_aggregated (source_entry, otherside_entry, dateFrom, dateTo=None, subscriber=None): int | Returns the aggregated scheduled time for the two specified entries in the specified period.
None return if no budgeted values with the specified criteria are found. |
get_net_capacity_minutes(self, worker, dateFrom, dateTo=None, subscriber=None): int | Net capacity in minutes per user.
get_custom_net_capacity_minutes(self, worker, dateFrom, dateTo=None, subscriber=None): int | From Vertec Net capacity in minutes per user based on system settings Adjusted Net Capacity (%). Gives |
get_gross_capacity_minutes(self, worker, dateFrom, dateTo=None, subscriber=None): int | Gross capacity in minutes per user.
get_remaining_capacity_minutes(worker, dateFrom, dateTo=None, subscriber=None): int | Remaining free capacity in minutes for a given user and a given date range (net_capacity – planned_minutes).
get_custom_remaining_capacity_minutes(self,worker, dateFrom, dateTo=None, subscriber=None): int | Starting with Vertec Remaining free capacity in minutes for a given user and a given date range, taking into account the system setting Adjusted Net Capacity (%). Gives |
get_otherside_entries(subscriber): list of entries | Returns the list of entries for which plan data already exists, based on the sourceEntries objects specified in the constructor. |
generate_date_range(start, end) | Returns a list of date values for scheduling intervals of start to end . Depends on the system-wide setting of the planning interval (months, weeks, days). |
get_start_preceding_interval(): date | Returns the date of the interval that precedes the start interval. |
get_column_title_by_date(date): string | Returns the appropriate column title when the date value is specified for a specific planning interval. |
ResourcePlanningProviders are commonly used in list controllers and custom renderers for planning lists. The list controller instantiates a planning provider, which is then used to display and set the values in Plan cells.
The vtcplanningcore module is also available as a Python Stub File. It is called
and is stored like the other Stub Files in the subfolder PythonStubs in the Vertec installation directory.
From version 6.6. there is the Python module vtcplanning
, which includes standard implementations of list controllers for resource planning. List Controllers
These all have a initialize_with_period(start, end, interval)
Method called by Vertec Kern and specifies the planning period to be displayed and the planning interval.
To ensure that a planning list that starts on a new interval (e.g. up-to-date month) is not completely empty, the list controllers also load planning data for an interval before the specified start date.
This means that if the planning period is August – October (planning interval “Month”) then row objects are also displayed which have planning data in July, but not in August-October.
The Timetable are based on a single object and display one row for each scheduled opposite object. The columns correspond to the scheduling intervals.
Time tables can also be shown as read-only sum tables based on a list.
In the Python module vtcplanning, we provide the following list controller classes with:
list controller | description |
vtcplanning.SingleObjectTimeTableController | Used to plan on individual objects (checkmark The controller can handle the different classes (Project, ProjectPhase, AbstractWorker, Project Editor or PlanningWorker) itself, the same controller can always be specified. |
vtcplanning.ReadonlySingleObjectTimeTableController | Based on a single object, but read-only, not for scheduling. Used for timesheets on individual objects that cannot be scheduled. |
vtcplanning.ReadonlyProjectsSingleObjectTimeTableController | For read-only project time tables on individual objects. Used to show project totals if the planning level is phases. |
vtcplanning.ReadonlyPhasesSingleObjectTimeTableController | For read-only phase time tables on individual objects. Used to show phase totals if the planning type is Processor Phase Assignment. |
vtcplanning.ReadonlyContainerTimeTableController | For read-only timesheets on lists (checkbox Für Listen anzeigen? is set).Used for Total Time Tables. |
vtcplanning.ReadonlyOtherSideContainerTimeTableController | For read-only timesheets on lists (checkbox Für Listen anzeigen? is set).Used for Total Time Tables to show the totals of the opposite side on a list of objects (e.g. editor totals on a project list). |
vtcplanning.ReadonlyPhasesContainerTimeTableController | For read-only timesheets on lists (checkbox Für Listen anzeigen? is set) to show sums of phases on a list of projects or users if the planning level is project (in this case, the normal list controllers would not be shown on projects). |
Starting from a list of entries (AbstractWorker, project or phases), a resource planning Pivot Table can be displayed. The pivot table shows the entries as columns and the planned opposite entries as rows. This makes it possible to enter planned data for new opposite entries via the star row.
To implement pivot table views, the following list controller classes are available:
list controller | description |
vtcplanning.RegularPivotTableController | For pivot tables with the entries in the list as rows and the opposite side as columns. Used to schedule on a list (checkmark The controller can handle the different classes (Project, ProjectPhase, AbstractWorker, Project Editor or PlanningWorker) itself, the same controller can always be specified. |
vtcplanning.MirroredPivotTableController | For pivot tables with the entries in the list as columns and the opposite side as rows. Used to schedule on a list (checkmark In this list, a star row can be shown to insert new objects to be planned. More information can be found here. The controller can handle the different classes (Project, ProjectPhase, AbstractWorker, Project Editor or PlanningWorker) itself, the same controller can always be specified. |
vtcplanning.ReadonlyRegularPivotTableController | Used to show project-user pivot tables when the planning level Phasen is, with the entries of the list as rows and the opposite side as columns. |
vtcplanning.ReadonlyMirroredPivotTableController | Used to show project-user pivot tables when the planning level Phasen is, with the entries in the list as columns and the opposite side as rows. |
vtcplanning.RegularSingleObjectPivotTableController | Used to also plan on a single project in pivot tables. Displays a pivot table with the single entry as a row and the opposite side as a column. |
vtcplanning.MirroredSingleObjectPivotTableController | Used to also plan on a single project in pivot tables. Displays a pivot table with the single entry as a column and the opposite side as rows. |
For this purpose, there are the following Custom Renderer for use in the resource planning tables. All of these renderers can be used in the list settings in two ways:
Shows the value in the cell that matches the row/column combination.
Checkbox Dynamically: Nein
Shows the summed value across all columns per row.
Custom renderer | description |
vtcplanning.PlannedMinutesRenderer | Renderer for the planning times. Allows you to enter the planned values in the individual cells. |
vtcplanning.NetCapacityRenderer | Renderer to show net availability of users. |
vtcplanning.CustomNetCapacityRenderer | Starting with Vertec Shows the net availability of users, taking into account the system setting . |
vtcplanning.GrossCapacityRenderer | Renderer to show the gross availability of users. |
vtcplanning.RemainingCapacityRenderer | Renderer to show the remaining availability of users. |
vtcplanning.CustomRemainingCapacityRenderer | Starting with Vertec Shows the residual availability of users taking into account the system setting Adjusted Net Capacity (%). |
The vtcplanning module is also available as a Python Stub File. It is called
and is stored like the other Stub Files in the subfolder PythonStubs in the Vertec installation directory.
As of Vertec there is the Python module vtccom, which implements the possibilities of COM forwarding.
This includes the feature vtccom.createobject(identifier)
which provides a forwarding proxy for the COM server on the client.
For more information, see the article on Com forwarding.
For individual objects, there are the following methods:
Method/Feature | description | Sample code |
addtag(tagname) |
Starting with version Sets a tag on the object. For more information, see Tags on User Entries. |
argobject.addtag('mytag') |
checkright(right: string, membername: string): boolean |
Checks whether the logged in user has the specified right on the specified member name. Possible permissions are: 'read’, 'write’, 'create’, 'delete’, 'execute’ Return value: 1 = True, 0 = False |
obj = argobject if obj.checkright('read', 'offeneleistung'): ... |
delete() |
Deletes the object in Vertec |
obj.delete() |
evalocl(OCL:string) |
Evaluates an OCL expression on the object. Before version this was called eval() on the individual object. Then the method was adapted to the global method so that it has the same name everywhere. In versions and later you should therefore always use evalocl(). |
projektcode = argobject.evalocl("code") |
getattr(object, name[, default]) |
Returns the value of a member. getattr(obj, “first name”) is equivalent to obj.firstname. Sometimes you need getattr because you get a member as a parameter in a method, for example, and then query it like that. If there is no member of this name on the object, the method returns the default, if one is specified. Otherwise, an AttributeError is returned. |
getattr(obj, "vorname", "") projekt = argobject if hasattr(projekt, "offeneleistungen"): liste = getattr(projekt, "offeneleistungen") for leistung in liste: print leistung.text |
getkeystring(key): stringgetkeybool(key): booleangetkeycurr(key): currencygetkeyint(key): integergetkeydate(key): datetime |
Starting with version These methods are used to access the values stored as key values. For details, see Key Values on User Entries. |
>>> argobject.getkeydate('datum') 2017-02-03 00:00:00 |
getmemfootprint(): integer |
From version 5.8. Returns as result the quantity of bytes occupied by the object in memory (memory footprint). The value is determined as follows: Instance of the object + Sum of instances of all members + Size of the value of each member (for strings, the length) + MemFootPrint of all owned linked objects (e.g. phases of the project). It should be noted that this is an approximation, since the boundary of what has to be counted for an object cannot be drawn precisely. |
The following script outputs the memory requirements of all projects in the system: r = vtcapp.evalocl("projekt") for projekt in r: print projekt.code+' '+str(projekt.getmemfootprint()) |
getmlvalue(membername:string, language:string): value |
The so-called multilanguage attributes (MLStrings, multilingual attributes) can be queried using this method.
Multilanguage attributes are:
To set such an attribute, the method setmlvalue() can be used. |
taetigkeit = argobject print taetigkeit.getmlvalue("text", "FR") >>> Vacances >>> If the member is queried normally, the return value always corresponds to the up-to-date Vertec language: print taetigkeit.text >>> Ferien/Urlaub >>> |
hasattr(object, name): boolean |
Checks whether an object has a corresponding member. |
obj = adresse if hasattr(obj, "vorname"): print obj.vorname |
hastag(tagname): boolean |
From version Checks whether an object has set a corresponding tag. For more information, see Tags on user records. |
obj = argobject if obj.hastag('mytag'): ... |
istypeof(classname:string)or IsTypeOf(classname:string): boolean |
Checks whether the object is of type Classname. True or False. |
obj = argobject # das aktuelle Objekt ist eine Firma in Vertec obj.IsTypeOf("Projekt") >>> 0 # false obj.istypeof("Firma") >>> 1 # true |
linkto(target, role) |
Makes a link type from the object to the passed object (target) with the specified role. |
For detailed information on this topic, see Operators and Methods for Links. |
Objid |
Returns the internal ID of the object. |
>>> argobject.objid 3011 |
removetag(tagname) |
Starting with version Deletes the corresponding tag from this object. For more information, see Tags on user records. |
argobject.removetag('mytag') |
setattr(object, name, value) |
Describes the name attribute of the object object with the value value. For example, you can loop through the custom fields of an object and use the found attribute names to describe the attributes. |
This code creates a new object of the same type as the argobject and copies the contents of all custom fields to the new object. source = argobject target = vtcapp.createobject(source.evalocl('ocltype.asstring')) zusatzfelder = source.zusatzfelder for z in zusatzfelder: zName = z.metazusatzfeld.fieldname Now you know the name of the custom field, but if you addressed it with setattr(target, zName, getattr(source, zName)) vtcapp.showdetailform(target) |
setkeyvalue(key, value) |
Starting with version With this method, customer-specific values are stored as key values on user entries. These values can later be accessed via the |
argobject.setkeyvalue("datum", "2017-02-03") |
setmemberoutofdate(membername:string) |
If a value is to be read freshly from database, the field out of date must be set. This method does the same as the Notif for a Modified message. |
proj = argobject proj.setmemberoutofdate('code') ensures that the next time you access Project.code, this value is loaded freshly from the database. |
setmlvalue(membername:string, value:string, language:string) |
The so-called multilanguage attributes (MLStrings, multilingual attributes) can be set via this method.
Multilanguage attributes are:
To query such an attribute, the getmlvalue() method can be used. |
taetigkeit = argobject taetigkeit.setmlvalue("text", "Vacanze", "IT") |
unlink(target, role) |
Removes the link from the object to the passed object (target) with the specified link role. |
For detailed information on this topic, see Operators and Methods for Links. |
unload(): None |
Removes the object from the Vertec object store. This method was introduced solely to control memory usage during data migrations. It should be used with caution, as subsequent access to the unloaded object may result in errors. |
Access to the classname
works in Python only via OCL:
Method/Feature | description | Sample code |
entrytypeslookup(typidx, phase=None): List of project entry types |
Returns a list of project entry types for the project (and optionally a phase) typeidx: 0: Services, 1: Expense types, 2: Outlay types. |
proj = argobject taetigkeitenliste = proj.entrytypeslookup(0, None) |
phaseslookup(user, entrytype=None): List of project phases |
Returns a list of project phases for the specified user (and optionally a project record type). |
proj = argobject bearbeiter= vtcapp.currentlogin() phasenliste = proj.phaseslookup(bearbeiter, None) |
assignment(user): boolean |
Indicates whether the specified user is authorized to create services etc. on this project. |
proj = argobject bearbeiter= vtcapp.currentlogin() if proj.projektbearbeiterisassigned(bearbeiter): ... |
setresourceplanvalue(worker, date, value) |
Starting with Vertec 6.6. Allows resource plan values to be set when the is set to project.
bearb = vtcapp.currentlogin() projekt = argobject projekt.setresourceplanvalue(bearb, vtcapp.strtodate('15.05.2023'), 180) |
On Abstractworker, project editor, and Planningworker, there are the following methods:
Method/Feature | description | Sample code |
setresourceplanvalue(project_or_phase, date, value) |
As of Vertec 6.6. Allows setting of resource plan values.
bearb = vtcapp.currentlogin() projekt = argobject bearb.setresourceplanvalue(projekt, vtcapp.strtodate('15.05.2023'), 180) |
On project users, there are the following methods:
Method/Feature | description | Sample code |
setnotification(category, text, link) |
Starting with Vertec 6.6. Adds a Notification to the user with a specified category, text and optional linked user entry. If a notification with the same category and the same linked object already exists on the user, the text is updated.
aktivitaet = argobject zustaendig = aktivitaet.zustaendig if zustaendig and not aktivitaet.erledigt: zustaendig.setnotification('pending_activity', aktivitaet.titel, aktivitaet) |
deletenotification(category, link) | Starting with Vertec 6.6. Deletes the Notification on the user with the corresponding category and linked object. If no corresponding notification is found, nothing happens. No error message appears. | aktivitaet = argobject zustaendig = aktivitaet.zustaendig if zustaendig and aktivitaet.erledigt: zustaendig.deletenotification('pending_activity', aktivitaet) |
On project phases there are the following methods:
Method/Feature | description | Sample code |
setresourceplanvalue(worker, date, value) |
Starting with Vertec 6.6. Allows resource plan values to be set when the Planning Level is set to phase.
bearb = vtcapp.currentlogin() phase = argobject phase.setresourceplanvalue(bearb, vtcapp.strtodate('15.05.2023'), 180) |
Method/Feature | description | Sample code |
reserve([raiseException]) |
From version 5.8. Post an invoice to the accounting system. The raiseException argument is a Boolean (True/False), which specifies whether to report errors when posting or cancelling. raiseException is optional, default is True. If raiseException is False, errors when posting are ignored, the invoice is simply not posted. |
rechnung = argobject rechnung.buchen() |
import payments() |
From version 5.8. Imports the payments to the up-to-date invoice. Works only if the debtor interface supports payment reconciliation. |
argobject.importzahlungen() |
makeoffen([raiseException]) |
Starting with version 5.8. Sets a charged invoice back to open (Undo charging). The raiseException argument is a Boolean (True/False), which specifies whether to report errors while charging or undo while charging. raiseException is optional, default is True. If raiseException is False, errors during charging are ignored, the invoice remains simply charged. |
rechnung = argobject rechnung.makeoffen(False) |
makecalculated([raiseException]) |
From version 5.8. Charges an open invoice. The raiseException argument is a Boolean (True/False), which specifies whether to report errors while charging or undo while charging. raiseException is optional, default is True. If raiseException is False, then charging errors are ignored, leaving the invoice open. |
rechnung = argobject rechnung.makeverrechnet(False) |
cancel([raiseException]) |
From version 5.8. Cancels a posted invoice. The raiseException argument is a Boolean (True/False), which specifies whether to report errors when posting or cancelling. raiseException is optional, default is True. If raiseException is False, errors in posting are ignored, the invoice is simply not canceled. |
rechnung = argobject rechnung.stornieren() |
Services, expenses and outlays are summarized under the term project entry.
Method/Feature | description | Sample code |
makeoff() |
From version 5.8. Sets a billed service, expense or outlay to open. This only works if the service, expense or outlay is not on an invoice, otherwise an error will be thrown. |
argobject.makeoffen() |
makecalculated() |
Starting with version 5.8. Sets an open service, expense or outlay to charged. This only works if the service, expense or outlay is not on an invoice, otherwise an error will be thrown. |
argobject.makeverrechnet() |
Method/Feature | description | Sample code |
updateset() |
From version Hourly rate is recalculated (from tariff system). Requires user right |
argobject.updatesatz() |
Method/Function | description | Sample code |
setpath(path: string) |
Starting with version Sets the document path on the activity when the Document Storage to |
argobject.setpfad('C:\\Dokumente\\text.txt') |
setdocumentcontent(filename, documentcontent) |
Starting with Vertec Adds a document to the activity when the Document Storage to
On the activity, the following happens:
After successful execution, the Document page is shown. If a document has already been saved on the activity, an error is output. Note: This method can also be used if document saving is not set to Internal, but the document will be saved internally. |
(name, file) = vtcapp.requestfilefromclient("Dokument auswählen", r"C:", "Word|*.docx") activity = vtcapp.createobject("Aktivitaet") activity.setdocumentcontent(name, file) vtcapp.showdetailform(activity) |
setemailcontent(mimecontent) |
Starting with Vertec Adds an email to the activity.
On the activity, the following happens:
After successful execution, the E-mail page will be shown. If a document has already been saved on the activity, an error is output. |
(name, file) = vtcapp.requestfilefromclient("Email auswählen", r"C:", "Email|*.msg") mimecontent = vtcapp.msgtomime(file) activity = vtcapp.createobject("Aktivitaet") activity.setemailcontent(mimecontent) vtcapp.showdetailform(activity) |
Method/Feature | description | Sample code |
getkursto(currency: object, date: date): currency |
Starting with version Returns the conversion rate for the corresponding date. | chf.getkursto(eur, vtcapp.currentdate()) |
Starting with version, all Python methods that return lists of business objects directly return a Vertec list and no longer a Python list.
resulting lists are vertec lists and no longer need to be created with vtcapp.createlist().
Versions before liste = vtcapp.createlist("Projekt", vtcapp.evalocl("projekt->select(code.sqllike('A%'))"))
Versions from liste = vtcapp.evalocl("projekt->select(code.sqllike('A%'))")
Method/Feature | description | Sample code |
append(Object) |
A list can be populated via the append() method. Only individual objects can be passed, not entire lists with append() . |
mylist = vtcapp.createlist('Projekt') mylist.append(argobject) |
evalocl(OCL:string) |
An OCL expression can be deposited on the Vertec list. | projektIds = argobject.evalocl("eintraege").idstring() leistungen = vtcapp.createlist("OffeneLeistung", vtcapp.getwithsql("OffeneLeistung", "projekt IN (%s)" % projektIds, "")) print leistungen.evalocl("wertext->sum") |
extend(list: list) |
Starting with version 6.2. The extend() method can be used to append another list to a Vertec list. This checks whether the Vertec list is a derived list (e.g. |
projektIds = argobject.evalocl("eintraege").idstring() leistungen = vtcapp.createlist("OffeneLeistung", vtcapp.getwithsql("OffeneLeistung", "projekt IN (%s)" % projektIds, "")) leistungen.extend(vtcapp.createlist("VerrechneteLeistung", vtcapp.getwithsql("VerrechneteLeistung", "projekt IN (%s)" % projektIds, ""))) print leistungen.evalocl("wertext->sum") |
idstring() |
A common request in Python scripts is to formulate an SQL query with To do this, the IDs of a list of objects must be converted to a comma-delimited string.
>>> vtcapp.evalocl('Projektbearbeiter->allinstances').idstring() 300,676,7613,682,688,694 |
index(Object) |
Starting with version Returns the index of the object in the list. If the object occurs more than once, the deepest index is returned. Introduced for compatibility with Python lists (see below). |
>>> liste = vtcapp.evalocl("projekt.code") >>> print liste.index('COMINSTALL') 25 |
insert(index, object) |
Starting with version Adds an object to the list at the position index. Introduced for compatibility with Python lists (see below). |
>>> liste = [123, 'xyz', 'miau', 'abc'] >>> liste.insert(3, 2009) >>> print liste [123, 'xyz', 'miau', 2009, 'abc'] |
remove(object) |
Removes the specified object from the list | projektIds = argobject.evalocl("eintraege").idstring() leistungen = vtcapp.createlist("OffeneLeistung", vtcapp.getwithsql("OffeneLeistung", "projekt IN (%s)" % projektIds, "")) fl = leistungen.evalocl("self->select(bearbeiter.asstring = 'Judith Feller')") for leistung in fl: leistungen.remove(leistung) The example above is to show the projektIds = argobject.evalocl("eintraege").idstring() leistungen = vtcapp.createlist("OffeneLeistung", vtcapp.getwithsql("OffeneLeistung", "projekt IN (%s)" % projektIds, "")) leistungen = leistungen.evalocl("self->reject(bearbeiter.asstring = 'Judith Feller')") |
Vertec and Python lists differ in the following ways:
The + operator is not applicable to Vertec lists. Type code projektIds = argobject.evalocl("eintraege").idstring() leistungen = vtcapp.getwithsql("OffeneLeistung", "projekt IN (%s)" % projektIds, "") \ + vtcapp.getwithsql("VerrechneteLeistung", "projekt IN (%s)" % projektIds, "") does not work. An error appears: Instead, use leistungen = vtcapp.getwithsql("OffeneLeistung", "projekt IN (%s)" % projektIds, "") leistungen.extend(vtcapp.getwithsql("VerrechneteLeistung", "projekt IN (%s)" % projektIds, ""))or leistungen = vtcapp.getwithsql("OffeneLeistung", "projekt IN (%s)" % projektIds, "") leistungen += vtcapp.getwithsql("VerrechneteLeistung", "projekt IN (%s)" % projektIds, "") |
Python lists can be created from Vertec lists by |
Note that Vertec lists are “live”. That is, actions related to the logic of the list calculation may change, as shown in the following examples: For for l in list(argobject.offeneleistungen): l.delete() In the following case, it is a list of open services: leistungen = phase.evalocl("offeneleistungen") for l in leistungen: l.makeverrechnet() If they are charged sequentially, they will automatically disappear from the list. The effect is the same as above: only half of the services will be charged. Instead, convert to a python list: for l in list(phase.evalocl("offeneleistungen")): l.makeverrechnet() |
'count’, 'pop’, 'reverse’ and 'sort’ are only available on Python lists. If you use these methods, you would have to rewrite them or use |