Vertec AI Chatbot

Der Chatbot hilft Ihnen bei Fragen rund um das Produkt und die Anpassbarkeit der Software. Wie bei allen AI-generierten Daten sollten die Antworten bei kritischen Informationen verifiziert werden. Nehmen Sie dafür gerne Kontakt mit uns auf. Weitere Informationen zur Verarbeitung der Chat-Daten bieten wir auf der Datenschutzseite.

Die besten Antworten liefert der Chatbot, wenn Ihr Input möglichst viele Informationen enthält. Zum Beispiel:

«Welche Apps stehen im Vertec Cloud Abo zur Verfügung?»


Horizontal/Vertical arrangement of Vertec-Controls.










Leistung & CRM

Budget & Teilprojekt



Business Intelligence

Erstellt: 21.12.2015
Aktualisiert: 26.04.2018

Horizontal/Vertical arrangement of Vertec-Controls


NoSpacingRemoves all horizontal and vertical spacing between controls


AppearanceStringCan be set to change visual styling. Possible values will be shown in the Appearances section if availablenull--
ChildrenPathStringBinds its children items to a property in ViewModelnull--
FlexWidthIntegerHow flexible the control's width can be made in relation to the other controls of the same parent10100
HeaderStringThe header displayed atop this group.""--
HorizontalAlignmentHorizontalAlignment Determines how the control is horizontally sized and positioned relative to its containing controlsStretch--
LabelStringThe text to display in the label portion of this controlnull--
LabelAlignmentLabelAlignment How flexible the control's width can be made in relation to the other controls of the same parentLeft--
LabelWidthDoubleThe width of the label part of this control or its subcontrols (if they don't override this value) in device-indepentent pixels0--
OrientationOrientation The direction along which to lay out the childrenHorizontal--
SeparatorGroupSeparatorMode The separator line displayed atop this group.null--
ShowLabelBooleanWhether or not space for the label should be reserved when displaying this controlFalse--
VerticalAlignmentVerticalAlignment Determines how the control is vertically sized and positioned relative to its containing controlStretch--
VisibleBooleanWhether the control is visible or notTrue--
VisibleExpressionStringExpression used for the Visible propertynull--
WidthDoubleFixed width of the controlNaN--
WidthFractionDoubleThe control width in relation to his layout width.101

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