How to map a multi-stage dunning process in Vertec
At the end of the year or at the latest at the end of the financial year, typical questions arise in companies: Have all invoices been settled or are some customers in arrears? Who are these customers, what amounts are involved and how long have the receivables been outstanding?
We make available for download the additional function additional featureDue Dunning System,” which helps to answer precisely these questions. With this additional function, you can transparently invoice features a multi-stage dunning process in Vertec for invoices created in Vertec. You can always keep an overview of all open items and at which dunning level the respective debtor is debtor.
Easily expand Vertec – with additional features
Additional features increase the functionality of your Vertec with just a few clicks: free added value for you. This either expands certain basic features or expands the range of functionality by adding a completely new feature. Additional features also help standardize features where customization was required.
Creating reminders
a dunning notice is created on an invoice created in Vertec by right-clicking. All created dunning notices can be viewed in the “Dunning notices overview” folder and can be filtered there according to various criteria.
The Dunning Process folder also contains the subfolders for Dunninglevel 1-3, which contain invoices to be dunning and invoices that have already been dunned. Payment periods for dunning notices can be defined in the system settings. If a dunning stop is to be defined for an invoice, this can be done via the checkbox directly on the invoice.

Sending and evaluating reminders
In the “Evaluation” folder, the two folders “Dressed Customers” and “Outstanding Amounts” provide clarity. Amount of different Dunninglevel are highlighted in different colours for each customer.

In combination with the additional feature “Report Dispatch“ reminders can be sent by clicking directly from Vertec via email as attachment.
With the additional feature Dunning function, you can create a clear, multi-stage dunning process for invoices created in Vertec within just a few clicks. Free of charge. All further information can be found on our Knowledge Base.