Vertec customers 2023
The evaluation of Vertec Performance increases by eight percentage points, including user-friendliness and high-level extensions: The Results of this year’s Customer Satisfaction Survey (KZU) are now available.
We are also pleased about the high overall satisfaction among our customers in the 2023 results and at the same time perceive an increased satisfaction with our sales partners.
With a slightly declining participation rate, we received valuable feedback from a total of 224 participating companies, representing approximately 20% of all up to date Vertec customers.
The survey is a good opportunity to add areas for improvement. We have also been happy to receive requests for further development of Vertec in this way. Feedback can be added at any time and does not have to wait until the customer satisfaction survey: Vertec Forum we provide another opportunity for this.
Industry Insiders
What makes us particularly happy this year is that you, our customers, see us as industry experts and value our expertise. 74% of them rate our industry knowledge in sales and software implementation as “excellent” or “good”.
The following graph summarizes the development of the key Kpi of the annual KZU.

Classification of results
Before we break down the customer satisfaction survey into specific sections, we let you, our customers, have your say.
What inspired you?
- “Continuity and continuous development”
- “Flexibility of the system and fast adaptability”
- “Good, manageable, very good management tool for organising projects, from offer to invoiceinvoice
- “Interactive, a lot of information can be obtained through the website, especially expressions, etc. This is incredibly helpful.”
- “One software/program with all functions/products in one! Just perfect!”
- “Availability at practically 100%”
- “Adaptability to our changing requirements”
Where is there room for improvement?
- “International orientation / cloud”
- “MSI for installation, SSO login”
- “User interface could be a bit more upbeat”
- “Building speed of lists”
- “Changing report templates is complex”
- “Onboarding”
- “More templates for reports”
- “Mobile app”
Overall satisfaction
The overall evaluation criterion shows a slight decline this year, but is still clearly in the positive range. 81% (-5) of you rate your satisfaction with Vertec as “excellent” or “good”.
Ease of use
No change from the previous year, the positive evaluation continues: 76% of respondents once again perceive the user-friendliness as “excellent” or “good”.
Evaluation of extensions
This is an upward trend: This is up by two percentage points compared to the previous year. 65% (+2) of the customers surveyed rated this as “good” or “excellent”.
This figure, which was at a solid level in previous years, is now showing a substantial increase. Our cloud customers in particular are seeing an increase in performance. The rating of performance has increased by as much as eight percentage points: 63% of all ratings were “excellent” or “good”.
Two tips from us:
In order to independently evaluate the performance of your Vertec, we offer on the Knowledge Base the free performance analysis tool. Interactively, it guides you through your instance and provides suggested solutions.
The Vertec Review Package: In a workshop, the Vertec project management takes a close look at your Vertec installation and implements initial optimization measures directly.
Commissioning Cloud Suite
This is an increase of 4 percentage points: 87% (+4) are able to cope with the “excellent” or “good” setting. We attribute this increase also to the increased use of our diverse, digital assistance. The central point of contact here remains the Knowledge Base, our daily “Handbook” with a high level of technical detail. You also make greater use of the lightweight introduction to Vertec in the form of short videos at the Vertec Academy, tips and tricks in the Vertec Forum or our YouTube channel.
Project management
We are seeing a shift. Whereas in 2022, 20% rated implementation and extension projects as “excellent” and 43% as “good,” this year, 15% rated implementation and extension projects as “excellent,” while 59% rated implementation and extension projects as “good”. 67% rated deadline management as “excellent” or “good,” and 65% were very satisfied with budget adherence.
These are solid values, but we are not satisfied with them. We use them as an incentive for improvements, which we want to achieve in close cooperation with our sales partners.
Vertec support is rated by 83% as “excellent” and “good” for post-implementation support. 73% give the same ratings for availability and response time.
The Net Promoter Score (NPS)
As in previous customer satisfaction surveys, this year we again measured the NPS. This year, it reaches 17, a decrease of five points compared to the previous year.
a bad value per se? A look at the detailed ratings reveals. 40 companies surveyed and supervised by Vertec rate us with 8 out of 10 maximum possible points. A total of 50 companies voted for the two highest points. Despite the downward trend, we remain positive: Based on 135 companies, more than one in three direct Vertec customers give the top ratings of 9 or 10.
Pleasing trend: Your assessment of the cooperation with our sales partners is becoming increasingly positive. We thank you for your honest feedback. Of course, our goal remains to reverse the downward trend. We take your feedback as motivation for this.
Review of the innovations in 2022
Finally, we take a brief look at the innovations we have implemented since the last customer satisfaction survey.
Further development of the Customer Portal
We also like to optimize our own processes and thus reached a milestone with the Customer Portal in the summer of 2022: On-Premise licenses can also be purchased there. More on this topic can be found in our blog article “Buy On-Premises licenses in the Customer Portal”. The Customer Portal remains the central point of contact between the Vertec group, our customers, those of our sales partners and, of course, our sales partners themselves. In 2023, we will continue to work on improving and enhancement the scope of functions.
New Resource Planning with Vertec 6.6
Last year’s major release in autumn was all about the new Resource Planning. This not only provides increased cloud capability and expands Vertec, but also completes Vertec as a complete solution. We explain what the new Resource Planning can do, also graphically, on the Resource Planning Function Page.
Your benefits: detailed planning of employees, clear and fast evaluations, availability and overload at a glance.
Thank you for taking the time to participate in the survey. Honest feedback is important and helps us to improve Vertec for you, our customers. Just software, made for you.
We note that the participation rate has declined slightly, as has the satisfaction with Vertec above all. We are very pleased with the significantly increasing satisfaction with the Vertec performance in the Cloud Suite and the increasing satisfaction with the work of our sales partners.
Feel free to use the aforementioned Vertec Forum to share ideas, criticism or even solutions with us and other Vertec customers. Of course, you can also contact your Vertec advisor directly. Or write to us at Stay up to date and network with us: The Vertec group is also on Linkedin very active.