Collection of available controls
Product line
Operating mode
Cloud Suite
Services & CRM
Budget & Phases
Resource Planning
Business Intelligence
In the list settings, you can enter the control that you want to appear in the list.
Sometimes, it is necessary to define a specific renderer for a control, which is specified in the description of each control.
Name | Column expression | Description | Type | Columns |
cmbProjekt | projekt |
Lists the projects that you can make entries for. | ProjectComboBox | Code Description Regarding |
edtProjekt | projekt |
Shows a search dialog for projects. | ProjectReferenceBox | |
cmbPhase | phase |
Selection of phases in a selected project that you can make entries for. |
PhaseComboBox | Code Description |
edtPhase | phase |
Shows a search dialog for phases. Searches in the following fields: Project.code, Project.description, Project.regarding, Phase.code, Phase.description |
PhaseReferenceBox |
Control name | Column expression |
Renderer |
Description | Type | Columns |
cmbProjektbeschrieb | projekt |
rndProjektBeschrieb | Selection of project via project description. | ProjectDescriptionComboBox | Description Regarding |
cmbProjektbetreffend | projekt |
rndProjektBetreffend | Selection of project via project subject. | ProjectRegardingComboBox | Regarding Description |
cmbPhaseBeschreibung | phase |
rndPhaseBeschreibung |
Selection of the phases of a selected project via description. | PhaseDescriptionComboBox | Description Code |
Control name | Column expression | Description | Type | Columns |
cmbTaetigkeit | typ |
Lists the service types for which services can be entered. | ServiceTypeComboBox | Code text |
cmbTaetigkeitOpen | typ |
Lists the service types for which services can be entered, taking into account the phase assignment. See selecting phases based on service types. | ServiceTypeUnrestrictedComboBox | Code text |
cmbPhaseRestricted | phase |
Lists the phases that can be entered based on the selected service type. See selecting phases based on service types. | PhaseRestrictedComboBox | Code Description |
Control name | Column expression | Description | Type | Columns |
cmbSpesenBearbeiter | bearbeiter |
Lists the users who can enter expenses or outlays on a selected project. | TrackingUserComboBox | Name |
cmbSpesentypen | typ |
Lists the expense or outlay types for which entries can be made. |
ExpenseTypeComboBox |
Code text |
cmbWaehrung | eingabewaehrung |
Lists the currencies for selection in expense and outlay lists. | CurrencyComboBox | Value |
Control name | Column expression | Description | Type | Columns |
cmbSpesenBearbeiter | bearbeiter |
Lists the users who can enter expenses or outlays on a selected project. | TrackingUserComboBox | Name |
cmbSpesentypen | typ |
Lists the expense or outlay types for which entries can be made. | ExpenseTypeComboBox (for expenses) OutlayTypeComboBox (for outlays) |
Code text |
cmbWaehrung | eingabewaehrung |
Lists the currencies for selection in expense and outlay lists. | CurrencyComboBox | Value |
Control name | Column expression | Description | Type | Columns |
cmbStatus | status |
Selection of the outlay status (planned, ordered, received) | ValueSetComboBox | Value |
Control name | Column expression | Description | Type | Columns |
cmbAbwesenheitsyp | typlink |
Selection of the absence type | AbsenceTypeComboBox |
Code From Vertec |
Control name | Column expression | Description | Type | Columns |
cmbBearbeiter | erfasser |
Selection of the author/person making the entry and the responsible user. | UserComboBox | Name |
cmbProjektAll | projekt |
Selection of projects. Shows all active projects. Available from version 6.1. | ProjectAllComboBox | Code Description Regarding |
cmbKontaktart | kontaktart |
Choice of contact type (phone, email, etc.). | ValueSetComboBox | Value |
cmbTyp | typ |
Lists the activity types that can be entered. | ActivityTypeComboBox | Value |
cmbPrioritaet | prioritaet |
Selection of priority (high, normal, low). | ValueSetComboBox | Value |
edtAdresseintrag | adresseintrag |
Provides an address selection button, which can be used to select a contact address. | AddressReferenceBox |
Control name | Column expression | Description | Type | Columns |
cmbBearbeiter | benutzer |
Selects the user of a note. | UserComboBox | Name |
Control name | Column expression | Description | Type | Columns |
cmbVerantwortlicher | verantwortlicher |
Selection of the user responsible for the phase. | UserComboBox | Name |
cmbStatus | status |
Selection of the phase status (offered, accepted, completed, rejected). | ValueSetComboBox | Value |
cmbOfferte | offerte |
Selection of the offer to which the phase is to be assigned. | OfferComboBox | Number Date |
Control name | Column expression | Description | Type | Columns |
cmbBearbeiter | bearbeiter |
Selection of user | UserComboBox | Name |
cmbTaetigkeit | taetigkeit |
Selection of service type | ServiceTypeComboBox | Code text |
cmbSpesentyp | spesentyp |
Selection of expense type | ExpenseTypeComboBox | Code text |
cmbAuslagetyp | auslagetyp |
Selection of outlay type | OutlayTypeComboBox | Code text |
Control name | Column expression | Description | Type | Columns |
cmbProjekt | projekt |
Selection of the project to which an downpayment is assigned. | ProjectComboBox | Code Description Regarding |
Control name | Column expression | Description | Type | Columns |
cmbTyp | typ |
Selection of the stored payment type | PaymentTypeComboBox | Value |
Control name | Column expression | Description | Type | Columns |
cmbZusatzfeld |
Works for object and selection custom field items. Can be used on the list of the respective data type. | AdditionalFieldComboBox | Value |
cmbExclusiveKeywordFolder |
Starting with version |
KeywordComboBox | Value |
To show a selection custom field item in a list, insert a column in the relevant list and fill it in as follows:
for selection custom field items or zusatzfeldobj('zusatzfeldname’)
for object custom field items.To show custom field items of a different type, do not specify a control, instead, create it directly in the control XML field. You can find a list of which controls to use for which type under the section XML (customizing) in the article about custom field items.
Available from Vertec 6.3. For a date value, you can use the cmbDatepicker
control to show a date picker for selecting a date:
If the value is a Yes/No value (Boolean), a checkbox can be shown in the list with the rndBoolean renderer:
As this is a renderer, not a control, it must be specified in the Renderer field. This is possible in any column that shows a Boolean value.
In Resource Planning, timetables and mirrored pivot tables support the display of an asterix row for entering new rows.
For an asterix row to be shown, the list controller must implement an add_row_object method and the Allow new entries
checkbox must be set in the list settings.
To select the row object in the list, special ComboBoxes must be used, the usual ComboBoxes do not work in this context.
The following ComboBox types are available:
Control | ComboBox | Calculation of selection list | Columns |
cmbResourceProject | ResourceProjectComboBox |
Starting with the users from containers or an individual object for which resource plan data can be entered, the projects to which the users are assigned ( Only projects that are writable are shown (see section – user rights). Projects that already appear as a row in the planning table do not appear again for selection.
Code |
cmbResourceWorker | ResourceWorkerComboBox |
All active users for whose resource plan data ( Users that already appear as a row in the planning table do not appear again for selection.
Name |
cmbResourcePhase | ResourceProjectPhaseComboBox |
Starting with users, the projects are first determined in the same way as for the ResourceProjectComboBox (see above). All scheduled phases of these projects are shown for selection. Only active phases of active projects are shown, or inactive phases of active projects that are not Phases that already appear as a row in the planning table do not appear again for selection.
Project (These names are available from version ) |
You can customize the selection lists of the resources Comboboxes using the ListExpression
To do this, you must specify the relevant control as an XML control via class name and define the ListExpression
Within the ListExpression
, the usual OCL variables, such as varParent, are available.
Resources ComboBoxes may only appear in the asterix row of resource planning lists because, unlike other ComboBoxes, they select the object for a new row and do not assign a property to the row object.
Therefore, in addition to the ComboBox control for the column, you must use the rndGhostRowOnlyEditable renderer. This prevents the ComboBox from being shown in a row other than the asterix row. This is important because if this renderer is not set and the ComboBox is shown in other rows, it will overwrite existing values.
You can find further information on customizing ComboBoxes in lists in the article Customizing controls in lists .