VertecServer.exe (Legacy)

VertecServer.exe (only Vertec versions before 6.3)

Product line




Operating mode

Cloud Suite




Services & CRM

Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 19.10.2010
Machine translated
Updated: 24.01.2019 | Article only applies to Vertec versions before 6.3

This article only applies to Vertec versions prior to 6.3.

As of Vertec 6.3, only the cloud server service is available.

The VertecServer (registered in the services as Vertec Service) is an independent HTTP service and provides the Notif data update.

The VertecServer is implemented in the program file VertecServer.exe and is installed on the server computer as a Windows service.

Installing the vertec service

Usually, the Vertec service is already installed from Setup. If you want to install the service manually, for example on a different server, proceed as described below.

The Vertec Service is usually installed on the Vertec Server machine (the machine where the Vertec installation directory and the database server are located). It is also possible to run it on a separate machine if it has access to the database server. If installed on a separate server, a Vertec program directory must be created manually (e.g. C:\Programs\Vertec), if installed on the Vertec Server machine this is already present.

The following files are required for the operation of the Vertec Service:

  • VertecServer.exe
  • Vertec.ini
  • Vertec.mld

You also need a client installation of Firebird (file GDS32.DLL must be in the system32 directory), or a MS SQL server client if you are working with this database server.

Register vertec service as a service

In order for the Vertec Service to run as a Windows service, it must be registered with Windows. This is done from the command line with the command:

VertecServer.exe /install

The start of the service is done via the Services control panel or from the command line:

net start vertecservice

Multiple Vertec Services

You can also run several different Vertec services on one machine. See the article on several Vertec services for details.

To set up a second service without notif

  1. Copy the following files and folders to a separate directory:
    • VertecServer.exe
    • VertecLib.dll
    • Vertec.mld (and at most userlng.txt and userdict.txt, see translations)
    • Vertec.ini (At least the [Database], [Webserver] and [Notif] sections must be present)
    • Folder Webgui
    • Folder Python
  2. Install a second service as described in Multiple Vertec Instances.
  3. To use the /nonotifserver parameter with the newly installed service, it must be entered in the registry as follows:
    • Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Servicename.
    • Add the /nonotifserver parameter to the path information.
  4. Then restart the service and verify that the parameters in the path name are shown in the service properties.